Stay (Brown Eyes)

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Your brown eyes glow

A light in the dark

No one else is home

It's just you and me

Your soft eyes keep mine from falling

I know you're there

And while you slowly come towards me

Our eyes are locked

And I search for a hand to hold

Your brown eyes glow,

And you curl close to me

Making sure I know you're there

Your soft eyes keep my tears from falling

Because I know you're there

I know you care

Just stay by my side brown eyes

Stay until I stop crying

For now I've let the tears come

Stay after that

For I will need you even more soft eyes

Stay by my side glowing eyes

Keep me safe

I'm all alone brown eyes

I know you know

Stay until I've fallen asleep

And I've drifted into a dream

Where I am no longer alone

Stay until I wake up once more

So I'm not alone when I awake

And, brown eyes, don't go

Don't go

Because I know it pains you

To see me like this

Don't go

Stay close

And keep me safe

I need you brown eyes

I don't want to be alone when I need someone to talk to

When I need someone to hold on to

I don't want to be alone,

When I'm drifting into a sleep

And have no dreams to cling to

Don't go

I can't wake up without you near me

I can't move without you by my side brown eyes

Soft, glowing eyes

Amazing eyes

Magnificent eyes


And hold me together

Don't let me fall apart

But let me let this go

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