I've Known

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How can you think
How can you assume
Do you no longer know me?
I'm not who you want me to be
And though that life is for you
It is not for me
What gives you the idea
That I will ruin myself that way
When I've seen more than you
I've seen what it can do
And I'm not sure you really have
You only know what you've told
But I am told what I've known
How can you think I can distroy my brain
The way I've seen others
You only know what you've been told
I've known
Long before
Just because I'm not like you
Does not mean
I'll turn out like them
Your fear has no justification
You try
But you have not seen what I have
So don't tell me I do not know
When it's you who truly doesn't
And think...
Do you truly know me?
I won't rip others apart that way
My future children can't hurt like
I did.
My future husband can't break
Like she did
I know
I know
So don't try to tell me
You have no just reason to worry
I am who I want to be
I know, more than you, who I am going to be
I'm not who you want me to be
And it might disappoint you
But can't you see who I really am?

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