Chapter 13; Trouble...Trouble...

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Chapter 13; Trouble...Trouble...
Stacey's POV
Oh no. No. God damit. My brothers are here. I'm shaking that much I can't even think properly.... I quickly grab the nearest thing to me my phone and hid in the closet. I unlock my phone and sent a text to Cameron it read: Grayson&Ethan are in your flat. I'm in the closet. Where are you?!
I locked my phone again but soon after got a text back. Cameron❤️-I'm in the living room with them they are worried about you. Just stay there they will be gone soon.
"This is my bedroom guys, excuse the mess!" Cameron says obviously showing the lads his room. He made sure he said Mess louder so I could here it's not my fault okay aha.
"Grayson look he's had a girl over hereee. Aha." Ethan says winding Cameron up

Oh god I hate him so much. I want to cry because I'm in so much pain about what he said when I left. But if I want to not get caught I need to stay quiet. They can't and they won't spilt me and Cameron up yet!
"Yeah she is really special." Cameron says
"Im Happy for you mate. Erm we are happy" Grayson says trying not to be awkward. I smile to myself , silly old Grayson.

"Thanks mate, any news about Stacey?" Cameron askes

"Erm no not really, I really miss her well we all do to be honest. We wont be mad we just wanna see her again." Grayson says

"Ha we're not going to be angry at her. Your not but I am. Why did she run at a joke." Ethan says

I clench my fisted and felt tears brim up. The left the room and I felt the wardrobe open. It was Cameron.

Have they gone? I ask him

"Yes but we are in trouble." Cameron reply's

What? What please tell me!

"Erm they want me to help look for you, but I cant because I know where you are!" Cameron says putting his hand on his head.

I kiss his cheek and grabbed his hand I lent into his chest and hugged him. Its going to be okay, it is. Your not going get into trouble. Cameron fell asleep and I covered him up. I went into the living room and started tiding up. Over the past 2days me and Cameron just ordered takeaway. I really hope he's okay i don't want him blaming it on himself. He didn't do anything wrong. I came to him. I came to him not the other way round! I lock up and crawl back into bed next to Cameron and snuggled up to him.

I love you...


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