Chapter24; Wheres she gone

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Stacey's POV

Honestly could my night get any worse. I'll tell you why...

I bumped into Cameron earlier. I knew I would probably end up seeing him eventually but I think he's purposely trying to get me on my own. I really don't want him to get into my head. I've been trying so hard to forget.

Me and mum are now backstage in one of the rooms but mums decided to play her country music. No thanks! I decided to go for a wander round all the back stage parts to try and get some food or good wifi.

I felt a tall presence come from behind me and grabbing my arm into a closet. I started to scream and a hand went over my mouth.

"Stace stop screaming its me. Cameron."

For god sake Cameron! Do you not understand I don't want to see you! I shout pushing my way past him.

His hand grabs mine.

"Stace, listen to me please. I'm so sorry, really I am. I want to be with you!" He pleaded as a single tear rolled down his face.

Cameron. You don't think my life has been destroyed enough. The moment you had doubts you should of said! I loved you. You hurt me so bad even if we was together for such a short period of time. YOU. You and only you hurt me. I say holding back the tears

I know and I just want you back." His hands start to tighten

Excuses. I just don't trust you anymore... We've come a long way. Just focus on your damn career. I walk out of the closet and went back to the room my mum was in.


I re worked this chapter guys. Hope you liked it... ANY IDEAS FOR THE UPCOMING CHAPTERS? What do you wanna see... Cameron begging for forgiveness a new match for Stacey???

Let me know in the comments


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