Chapter 23; Trust is important!

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Stacey's POV

Life hasn't been the same at all without me being with Cameron, I just really cant adjust to a life without him. I just feel like a hopeless moron and like a child what has to be baby sat or watched incase they do something stupid.


Trust is a word and I thing I will never use or open up to anybody because my trust has been broken once before and I don't think I can over come that. Everybody at college and fans think im over exaggerating because we only went out for a couple of months but seriously to me he was my whole life. And it was taken away from me in a spilt second when I knocked on that door.

I've been thinking and I want to just disappear I know it's only been a week since my LA trip but I just can't get it out of my head that this is reality and everything what I loved just fell from my life in a second. why was I so naïve to think my life was perfect with him. But really I got let down and that the feelings that we shared well what he had was just a big fat lie to me.

Disappearing *again* you must all be thinking... I want to move on away from everybody but how could I do that to my parents again, I just cant... I want to hurt Cameron twice as hard as he hurt me. Grayson and Ethan are in Magcon so they have to get along with Cameron for that reason but I don't blame them. He once was there best mate. I've been thinking the situation over between the whole me and Cameron situation and I know Cameron's reputation in his friend group and I was basically a cheap 'Shag' as the British people say. But to me he was my first love. The first person who I kissed, Trusted. There's that word again Trust... But he let me down. Why do I have to be such a kid my heart is the only one which gets broken in the end, like this whole story you and I both know it wont end well.

This week magcon was going on tour and my promised my brothers and we would go and see them. Today they were in Florida so we got plane tickets too see them. We got to the hotel and I started to get ready I hardly ever go out anymore so I thought why not make the effort. (Outfit/make up above)

After I got ready I got my lanyard and put it on. I decided to explore the hotel apparently some of the magcon lads were staying here but Gray and Ethan didn't tell me who. I turn the corridor really sharply and I bump into somebody sending me flying...

'Sorry, I'm such a klutz ahah. I laugh to the person I l knocked over. I raise my head to see them blue eyes burning into my soul.
"Stacey! I can't believe it's you. I-I" Cameron said
Don't speak to me, you are a pig and I will never trust you again! Tears start to build up in my eyes so I walked away. Im not ruining my night because of him but them I remembered my night has only just started...



Hey Guys, yes I have finally updated sorry I've just started my first full time job, boyfriend and i just haven't had the time to update on here. I cant believe we have got all these reads/likes/comments. So thanks you guys for wanting me to update because if you didn't keep commenting and liking them i probably wouldn't of been posting this.


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