Chapter 17; More....

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Stacey's POV

College is boring... I walk in so late that I need to run to make it before the bell. Once I got to my desk I smile at Blake and Dani.
I stare into space once I place my work stuff out. Miss recaen starts to teach the lesson History. Wow the subject I really want to be in... "Right class I've been speaking to the principal and he has agreed that the school can take you on a trip to LA! To study history" she takes a breath.

I suddenly come out of my day dream OMG LA! I can see Cameron...
So many things started to go through my head; LA I can see Cameron, work on my history project, money, clothes...... but then all my happy thoughts turn to crap. When I realised my family won't let me go after I ran away I frown at this thought and slouch back into the hard chair.
"What's wrong stace" Blake said grabbing my shoulder
I probably won't be allowed to go after running away and I want to go and see Cameron. A year ran down my check

"Awh don't cry, honestly they will let you go it's for your degree in History! They have to" dani says smiling at me

Blake started to nod to reassure me...

"Please collect the LA form sheet on your way out of the class I want the money in by Friday!"
Miss says when the bell chimes really loudly in my ear.

I say goodbye to my friends and walk to business studies to hand in my 4,000 word essay it was a pain in the butt but I managed to get it done on time.
Hey sir sorry I missed business yesterday I was sick here's my paper.
"Thank-you Stacey, I'll look forward to reading it" Mr Taylor says

I started to run to the other side of the building as that's where my next class was Creative writing I bump into the soccer team and fall to the ground.

"Sorry Stacey, you okay?" Rob says
Yeah I'm good thanks running late as always
"Looking good from behind Stacey" Charlie says
Shove it Charlie.
I smile at Rob and say my goodbyes before rushing to room A182
Me and rob have always had a connection but I guess I've never had to balls to talk to him and now I have Cameron

When I arrive I walk into the class and take my seat next to the wall. I hate socializing with anybody in this class. I look up from my note pad and saw the popular's stare at me with death stares. I understand they dislike me because who wouldn't. But they are so pathetic. Lucy Ray went out with Ethan she was so annoying and controlling. Ethan dumped her for them reasons and for a month she stalked us. Creepy or what?

"Right class I'm setting the assignment this week to be create a story include yourself and your partners. And I will be picking the partners!"

Everybody in the class groaned with annoyance because they hated being put with people they hate. "Okay lets start:
Ryan and Sophia. Tracey and Thomas. Jo and Molly. Brit-Ann and Lewis
Emma and Chloe-May. Lucy and Stacey.

"Miss I am not working with that Loser." Lucy speaks up

Everybody laughs

Ha-ha good one Lucy. Miss I can't work with my Brothers Stalker. Creep. I tell the whole class

They all started to laugh even more. Lucy just sat there like she was going to kill me. Oh well.

"Okay that's enough both of you. Lucy go with Chloe-May and Stacey with Emma!" The teacher says fed up with us already

I smile Emma's nice but she hangs out with the wrong crowd. Emma sits next to me and we plan out the story. She's really cleaver, I had no idea. We created the short story setting in the park... But that's all im telling you. (JOKE I don't have a clue about the 'short story')

Me and Emma exchange numbers to work on the story and we are meeting tomorrow to continue. I decided to walk home and meet Ethan at McDonald's. It took me 5 minutes to get there now I was hungry.
I walk in and saw Ethan waiting with my food. He's a lifesaver. At the moment we are on good terms but that will probably change.


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