Guren Ichinose x human reader

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3rd persons POV

*I'm walking in Gurens house, towards the exit after a very good dinner with him*

Guren: so, Y/n, how was the food?

Y/n: It was delicious, thank you Guren for inviting me over!

Guren: no problem, Y/n. After all we are comrades right?

Y/n: of course we are, Guren.

Guren: Hey good to know. And Y/n, do you know the reason I invited you?

Y/n: Dinner of course!!

Guren: Yea, dinner... and maybe... even something more *his purple yes sparkle*

Y/n: W-what? Guren, aren't we just friends?! *your e/c eyes looks a little scared*

Guren: *steps closer to you* hmm ,we are friends...

Y/n: phew, good to know. I got a little scared there for a mo-

Guren: *kisses Y/n on the lips and she opens her eyes wide open*

Y/n: *thinking* what? Is... Guren~Senpai kissing me. Is this really happening!?

Guren: *pulls away* I'm so sorry ,Y/n...

Y/n: it's okay, Guren~Sama..!

Guren: Guren~Sama?!

Y/n: You.... Guren.. I like you... like a lot *I blush really much*

Guren: Heh.. I like you to, Y/n.

Y/n: How about love?

Guren: W-w-what! Okay.. Y/n I can't hide my feelings anymore... but I think I love you.

Y/n: I love you to, Guren~Sama *you kiss him on the lips*

So what did you think about it? Was it good? Bad? Boring? Let me know what you think and tell me in the comments! I also wanna know if you want any other character in the next chapter? If you havee anyone tell me, and I'll do my best whoever it is. Of course you can request someone to the next chapter!!! ;33

Well bye my little pancakes, see you soon!! Take care!

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