Crowley Eusford x Human reader

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(Random song XD)

Y/n's POV

*I sight as I walk outside the big house where Crowley "lived"* Why do I have to be here? *I said that to myself, but I heard another voice answer my question*

Crowley: Because I need your blood, Y/n

C-Crowley?! Why are you here!? *I look at the noble, a little scared* (he lives there, Baka!)

Crowley: so so, don't be scared, Y/n. I'm not going to hurt you.

And how do I know that you're not going to punch me to the ground and drink my blood?
I know he's not going to hurt me... right? He wouldn't hurt me? I'm his powersource, or at least bloodsource..

Crowley: Does it look like I'm going to? *he walks up to me* Let's take a walk, Y/n

O-okay.... *I look at him with a curious look* Where are we going to walk?

Crowley: Nowhere special *he smiles at me, making me blush a little*

No!! I can't blush now!! If he know about my feeling for him he will most likely just kill me. (Like if XD)
It's nice weather today, don't you think? (So original)

Crowley: Yes it is... tell me, Y/n. Have you ever thought about becoming a vampire?

W-well... yea... but why do you ask? I- no, he can't mean.. he want to turn me into a vampire? ...he can't be serious, right?

Crowley: Interesting to know... *suddenly he stops and looks at the right, in the direction of a building*

What is it?

Crowley: I heard something... come, let's check *he starts walking in the direction*

Okay, should I grab my weapon? *I point at the sword I was given*

Crowley: If there's a threat, yes and I will do it *he grabs the his sword*

*suddenly I see a human with black hair come up behind me, screaming "die vampire"*
Oh no, he must see me as a vampire because I have the white army clothes on
Crowley!!!! Help me!! *I put my sword over my head to protect me I guess*

Crowley: Y/N!!!!! *he jumps in front off me and dodges the humans attack*

Shinoa: *comes up behind me and tries to attack me with her scythe, I stand up and dodges her attack*

*I attack the purple-haired girl with the scythe* Go away!!! Don't hurt him!!!

Crowley: *looks at me* so you care about me Y/n?*he whisper*

Yuu: *takes the chance and tries to hit Crowley again, but of course he dodges it*

Shinoa: *uses her scythe to kick the sword out off my hand and it flies away*

*I fall to the ground and opens my mouth, and I my eyes are now wide-open as I look at Shinoa who lifts her scythe up in the air and is just about to kill me as she stops*

Shinoa: s-she's... a human? But why are you protecting the vampire...?

*I stand up and kicks her in the stomach, making her fall to the ground*
Human, what do you want?
*I press my foot on her head*

Shinoa: I-i want to know why you, a pure human protect this noble..

Do you really want to know? Know why i protect him with my life?

Shinoa: *nods* (how is she able to nod?)

*I lean closer to her face, whispering* it's because I love him, and I don't want to see the love of my life die...

Crowley: Die, human!! *he attempts to hit the black-haired human*

Yuu: Asuramara!! Give me more power!!! *weird purple things starts to appear on his face*

Shinoa: Yuu!! Don't do it!!!

Crowley: what?! *he looks at Shinoa*

The human tries to help us? But why? *I see "Yuu" come up behind Crowley and is about to attack him*

Yuu: *lifts his sword and is just going to kill the noble, smart since he is off-guard*

*I run between "Yuu" and Crowley, just when "Yuu" attacks Crowley, but what he hits isn't Crowley, it's me*

Shinoa: ...she protected him... with her life....

Crowley: Y/N!!!!

Yuu: *sees me* W-what...

*I fall, the blood is flowing from the wound in my stomach, I feel two hands grab my body before I touch the ground*

Crowley's POV

Y/n... *a tear rolls down my face* please don't leave me...

Yuu: w-what?

Shinoa: *grabs her scythe and takes Yuus hand, and runs*

Y/N DO YOU HEAR ME!? *more tears roll down my face* (stop yelling, idiot)

Y/n: C-crowley... just.. leave me, don't... need me... *a tear rolls down her beautiful face and she smiles brightly*

No I won't leave you, Y/n. You're going to be fine!!! *I bite myself so blood comes out from my arm* you're going to live...

Y/n: no... I can't, just know that I love you....

Crowley: it's not to late to love me more... *he opens your mouth and pours some of his blood into your mouth, you swallow it...*

Y/n: *breathes* C-Crowley....what... did you do...?

I made you live... but your not a human anymore...

Y/n's POV

What?!?! I'm not a human? Wait did you...

Crowley: I made you drink my blood... i couldn't see you die...

B-but why?

Crowley: is it true as you said, that you love me?

Y-yes.. it is...

Crowley: then... I have to do this...

Do wha-?

Crowley: *kisses my lips* do this

But.. how..? How can you love me?

Crowley: Become you're the most beautiful person I've meet, Y/n

What? That cannot be true?

Crowley: but it is *stands up

*smiles and stands up to* but.. am I a vampire to now?

Crowley: yes you are, sorry...

Its okay after all, I love you *kisses him*

Finally it's done!!! I had to start it over 3 times because I forgot to save it-_- well hope you liked it and be sure to leave requests in the comments:3

See you next,time my little pancakes

(Exactly 1000 words in this)

Owari no Seraph One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora