she'll help us fly

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After the revolution, as the people had come to know it, the city of Arendelle was filled of filth and exhaust. It seemed to be colder now that the royal family was gone.

A young woman in a big red coat and a large furhat that coverd her big, red curls, was walking through the streets of Arendelle, listening to the depressing words of its citicens.

-Arendelle's too gloomy.

-Arendelle's too bleak.

-My underwear is frozen from standing here all week.

Merida snorted.

-Cause since the revolution our lives have been so gray, she mimecked, then smirked.

-Thank godness for the gossip that gets us through the day, she said again and grabbed a news paper as the seller leaned torwards her.

-Have you heard? There's a rumor in Arendelle! Have you heard, what they are saying on the streets?

Another man chimmed in.

-Tho our king did not survive, one daugther may be still alive!

Merida grin grew larger.

-The princess Annastasia, she said happily, as she paid the seller and ushered down the streets.

As she made her way down the road she heard other people whisper about it.

-It's a rumor.

-A legend.

-It's a mystery.

-Some whisper in a alleyway or through the crack!

-It's a rumor....

-That's part of our history, Merida stated as she finished the man's sentence and continued; They say her sister dear will pay a royal sum, to someone who can bring the princess back! She added and ran away.

Merida came into a market and scanned the crowd. Then she catched a whistle behind her.

-Merida, here!

She turned around to see a familiar boy with brown hair and brown Eyes, who had nothing more on him than a thin jacket that you could just as easliy have in the summer.

-Jack! I will tell you what I found out today....

As they made their way across the market, someone shoved a painting into Jack's face.

-A ruble for this painting! It's Agdarr's, I swear!

Merida and Jack walked away only to have another thing forced into their faces.

-Count North's pajamas! Comrade buy the pair!

They managed to escape the lady selling it and this time actually approched a merchant.

-I got it from the palace. It's lined with real fur!

Merida stroked the coat and whisperd to Jack;

-It could be worth a fortune, if it belonged to her.

Jack smiled and paid for the coat.

They finally made it to the back of the bulidning and disappeard behind a curtain.

Merida brushed of the snow from her coat.

-Jack, I got us the theater, she announced, and the whole city is buzzing about Annastasia.

Jack smiled as he urged Merida forward.

-YES! Everything is going accordning to plan! Now all we need is to cast the right girl to play Annastasia.

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