she have been just as lost

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Jack was now outside the opera, feeling extremely guilty. Merida was right. He should have told her about his past before they saw the Queen.

Just then, Jack picked up on footsteps and looked up, seeing the Queen walk down the stairs. Jack took of his hat, following her.

A man - her chaffeur, Jack suspected - opened the car door to her and she stepped in. When the driver looked away to close the door, Jack managed to sneak past him and to the other side of the car, opening the door and sitting down in the drivers seat. He closed the door and pressed the gas pedal and the car jolted. He heard the Queen gasp and the chaffeur shouting after them. When he turned a corner, the Queen spoke.

-Philip, slow down! She barked.

Jack looked back and the Queen's jaw dropped.

-I'm m not Philip and I'm m not slowing down until you listen to me, he stated and turned back to the road.

-You! How dare you! Stop this car immediatly! Stop this c-
She was cut of when they turned another corner and she fell onto her back. They went violently down the streets of Paris, almost crashing with other cars on the way. They came to a stop by an hotel and Jack got out of the driver's seat. He went and opened the door to her seat, where she sat straight, not moving an inch.

-You have to talk to her, he said, pointing at the window of her room, just look at her! Please!

She glanced at him but didn't answer. Jack shook his head and took out the box that he had have for so long. He gave it to her.

-Do you recognise this? He let the Queen take it, her eyes wide of shock.

-How did you get this?

Jack dropped his head.

-I know you been hurt by many, but it may be possible that she have been just as lost and hurt as you've been. And I am probably as stubborn as you are, so you won't win easily, not even at all maybe.


Anna was furiosly packing her bags, her cheeks full of dried tears. Tomorrow she was going to say good bye to Merida and Tooth and find someone who might have a missing sister or daughter somewhere here in Paris.

She was not going to say good bye to Jack. She didn't own him anything even though he had been kind to her for the last bit of the trip. Even if he had made her feel things that she never felt before.

Someone knocked the door and Anna sniffed.

-Go away, Jack, she declared and continued to shove clothes down her bag. The door opened and Anna turned around, a scream about to form in her throat but it quickly disappeared when she saw the Queen enter the room. Anna bowed.

-I am so sorry, I thought you wer-

The Queen snorted.

-I knew very well who you thought I was, The Queen declared and slowly approched Anna.
-Now, who excatly are you? She asked.

Anna looked down.

-I was hoping that you could tell me, she stated, ashamed of how pathetic she sounded, especially in front of royalty.

The Queen shook her head.

-My dear, I am very tired of being fooled all the time and I feel a lot older then I am.

-I don't wanna trick you, Anna said softly.

The Queen pursed her lips.

-And I suppose money doesn't interests you either?

Anna shook her head.

-No! I just wanna know who I am and also to find my family. Whether or not it's yours.

The Queen drew her lips into a straight line.

-You are a very convincing actress. The best I've seen so far. Goodbye, I can't take no more. The Queen walked past Anna and Anna caught sniff of something, which immediatly set of a series of memorises.


The Queen stoped and sighend.

-Yes, for my hands, she continued walking but Anna cut her of.

-Yes... I remember I spilled a bottle once on your carpet in your room. It forever smelled of roses, she giggled and began fiddilng with her necklace.

The Queen stopped, studied her and sat down on the sofa. Anna hummed.

-Oh, how I would lie on that carpet everytime you were gone and how I would miss you. And you came here, to Paris, Anna felt her head throb by the over use of it. Elsa gestured Anna to join her on the sofa. Anna sat down, smothering out the dress.

-What is that? The Queen- Elsa wondered, pointing to her necklace. Anna smiled and picked it up.

-This? I've had it as long as I could remember.

Elsa swallowed.

-May I? She asked and Anna took it of, handing it to her. Elsa looked at it, eyes full of tears.

-It was our secret. Mine and Annastasia. She took out the Music box and Anna gasped.

-The Music box! she exclaimed and took both the necklace and the box out of Elsa's hands. Her head rushed with memorises and songs.

-To sing me to sleep when you were in Paris! She began humming as she placed the necklace in it's right place and turned it. The music triggered the lyrics in her head.

-Hear this song and remember, she sang as the two minature people- sculptures of her parents- began to dance.

-Soon you'll be, Elsa and Anna sang in unison, home with me, once upon a december.

Elsa's eyes welled up in tears.

-Annastasia. My sister, she softly said as they embraced. Elsa blinked away the tears. After all this time, she had finally found her. Anna closed her Eyes and felt the warmth from her sister's arms.

She was home for real now.

Down on the street, Jack sent her a farewell kiss, before walking down the dark street alone.

Im back!!!
this is probably shit but u live
I have been anxious and very stressed so I haven't been writing at all
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