she will rise

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With Bunny in her arms, she began searching for a train station. It wasn't hard to find, considering that a lot of people was heading that way too.

Anna stood in a very long line for a counter to buy her ticket and when it was finally was her turn, she asked, in a happy tone;

-One ticket to Paris please!

The man scanned her before replying;

-Your Exit-visa?

Anna cocked her head to the side, confused look on her face.


The mans eyes narrowed.

-No Exit-visa, NO TICKET, he screamed in her face and slammed the hatch shut.

Anna's eyes widen, but it quickly dissolved into a scowl.

-Rude, she said.

Then she felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around to the old woman who was behind her.

-Look for Jack. He can help you, the woman said in a hushed tone.

Anna lowered herself to eyelevel with the woman.

-Where can I find him? she whispered.

- At the old palace. But you didn't hear it from me. Capich?

Anna nodded and turned away. Jack. That name seemed familiar.

She shrugged it off and began to walk down the street.


-Very nice, miss. We'll get back to you as soon as possible, Merida annonuced and faked a smile.

Jack had his head in his hand, looking rather hopeless. The girl was still babbaling as she made her way down the stage.

-Next, please, Merida stated with an even bigger, faker grin.

The girl that came in next had a big fur cloak around her and when she dropped it, she revealed a rather childish costume.

-Sister, it's me, Annastasia, in a vocie that suggested that she had smoked too many cigarettes.

Merida's jaw dropped and Jack was just able to keep his laugh in check.

-Thanks you, miss. We'll be sure to contact you, Jack said this time.

When the woman left, Merida started to bang her head against the table. Jack was watching amused as she did it.


-That's it! We will never find anyone that can convince Elsa that she is Annastasia. None of them could not pull it off!

Jack took his friend's arm in his.

-We will find her Merida. She is probably wandering around in the city somewhere looking for us right now.

How right he was. He just didn't agknowledge the girl that was walking the other direction, just passing them.

Anna went and asked a man about Jack, who lived in the old palace. The mister looked at her like she was crazy.

-The palace is that way, he said, pointing to the north, but nobody ain't living there. Crazy girl.

Anna ignored him and went the direction he had pointed her to.

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