how does she like her tea

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In a mansion in the middle of Paris, a meeting was occuring.

Elsa was rubbing her temples and keeping her breath in check. This girl was clearly not Annastasia. Elsa realized that when she walked into the room! She wore a terrible wig for gods sake! But Thooth was so naïve and believed in the good in everyone and that everybody who said they were Annastasia, were, in fact, Annastasia. Elsa did frankally not.

-Ah, yes I remember it so clearly! Uncle Wilhelm was from Corona, Aunt Primrose was from Finland and every summer....

Why was the girl still talking? Why is she even still in here?! Elsa had to cut her of.

-We would have picknick at the lake by their mansion, Elsa finished as she stood up.
-Don't you have anything else to do than to plauge me? She questioned and waved her away.

Thooth frowned and she urged the girl out of the door. The girl started to cry and not to deal with any complication, she slammed the door behind her. She took up her teacup and started swirling her spoon around.

-Oh, I'm so sorry Elsa, I really thought she was the one, Thooth stated and siped her tea. Elsa rolled her eyes as she sat down again. She said that about every girl that came to her.

-But no matter, we will not be fooled again. I assure you, I will ask harder question to the next one, Thooth reported.

The next one, Elsa thought and a pain ached in her chest. 8 years and still no success.
Still no Annastasia.
Elsa could not hold onto a very little bit of hope anymore.
This was enough. She slammed her fist against the table, making the china rattle.

-No! I will see no more imposters who are claiming to be Annastasia, she announced. Thooth sighed and sipped her tea.


The trio had gotten of the boat and was now making their way to Thooth's mansion. As they did, Jack drilled Anna with infomation.

-Where was aunt Primrose from? he asked.

Anna was chewing on her fingernails.

-What if she doesn't remember me? She questioned. Jack smiled.

-You'll be fine. You are Annastasia!

-Well, it is just that, I had no past a week ago and now I need to remember a entire lifetime! She shouted.

-That why am I here. Now, where was aunt Primrose from?


Merida laughed, as they pulled infront of a large mansion. Merida sprang out of the car before they even had stopped, to the door and rang the doorbell. A maid answered and started babbling in french. A woman with glowing gold skin shooed her away and leaned against the door. She wore a bright green dress that sparkled in the sun and black hair that was cut short and colored in a million different colors. Merida squealed in delight.

-Thooth! Merida shouted as she tackled her in a hug. Thooth giggled and returned her embrace.

-Merida Dunbroch! What are you doing here?! You haven't vistied us in years! Tooth exclaimed as they pulled away from the hug.

Merida shrugged.

-Well, I knew I couldn't come back until I found her, she reported and stepped out of the way to showcase Anna.

Thooth eyes widend and she signaled for them to come in. They came in to a very large room, with a fire burning in the stove.

-Let me introduce her Majesty, princess Annastasia of Norway! Anna straightend her back and raised her chin.

Tooth scanned her for a moment, pulling her hair, stroking her freckles to see if they were real and circling her. She drew back from Anna, stroking her chin.

-She certainly look like Annastasia. But so have many others. She clapped her hands together and sat down in her chair.
-Sit down, get comfortable. We are going to be here for a while. She called for her maid asking her to make tea.

-So, the first question, Tooth announced, in the palace, we drink lots of tea. How does Annastasia like her tea?

-I have lots of milk and sugar so you don't feel the taste of the bitterness, Anna answered.

Tooth pursed her lips.

-Correct. Where were you born?

-At the Arendelle castle.

-Correct again. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

-Chocolate of course! Anna chuckled.

Tooth sighend.

-Correct again. Now....

After an hour, a million question and two pots of tea they had made it to the final question.

-Now, you answered all my easy question, but riddle me this; how did you get out of the palace, the night of the revelution? Tooth leaned back in her chair, impressed with her hard question.

Jack and Merida's chins fell to the floor and Jack put his head in his palm. How could he be so stupid not to tell her?! He should have told her that Annastasia escaped through the servants tunnels.

Anna, however, thought really hard, trying to remember anything and she grabbed a little snippet of her memory.

-It was...a boy, she told, living into the memory, a boy who worked in the palace, opened a wall. Anna laughed.
-I'm sorry, it doesn't make much sense does it?
To Tooth, who shoot up her eyebrows, it didn't.

But to Jack, it made complete sense. He turned his head to her. Nobody except him, the Queen and Annastasia knew about that.

She remembered him! The first thing she remembered from her past was him, a useless servant boy!

This means that she really is Annastasia. She is the lost princess! Even though Jack was happy that Anna finally found her family, he relaised three things;

1. He was completly, utterly in love with her,

2.But she was a princess and he was a kitchen boy, so it could never be

3. When she would find out about his original plan, she would surely hate him and even if she had feelings for him, they would be gone.

Jack snapped out of his trance when he heard Merida clear her throat.

-So, is she the princess Annastasia? She asked Tooth.

Tooth stood up with tray and sighed happily.

-Well, she did answer all of my very hard questions.

Merida smiled so broad that it reached her eyes.

-You hear that kid?! You made it! She shouted with glee and ran to hug Anna. Jack walked out before anyone could see him, in need of thinking and of fresh air. He began to feel dizzy as he tried to comprehend the situation.

Merida turned her head to Tooth, excitment brewing over.

-So, when will we see Elsa? She asked, excitment, brewing over.

Tooth smile turned upside down.

-Im afraid you don't. Elsa wont take in anyone anymore. She think that everyone I bring is a imposter, Tooth huffed.

Merida's chin dropped.

-But Elsa will be depressed without her sister! We must let Elsa try it one more time, for her own happiness. Don't you agree?

Tooth frown was back into a smile in a second as she jumped, dropping the tray.

-Do you know that the russian ballet is here today? Elsa and I go every time they are in town. We never miss it!

Merida shook with glee and she gave Anna a bone crushing hug. Anna looked down at Merida, who had tears of joy in her eyes.

-Thank you, lass.

Anna smiled at Merida, feeling joyful herself. She had finally remembered something from her past! And if she had now convinced Tooth, that maybe meant that she was Annastasia!

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