she is radiant

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When they got onto the boat, Jack presented Anna with a new dress. Anna was highly hesitant about it. Her head disappeared through the skirt. Jack looked through the hole of the neck, eyebrows raised.

-What are you doing? Jack asked.

-Looking for the danish cirkus, they must travel in this tent, she joked.

Jack threw the dress at her.

-Just put it on, he said and hurried torwards the deck, cheeks red.

Anna grabbed the dress close to her heart and felt really touched. Nobody had never given her anything new, that had been hers only. She looked down at Bunny and smiled to herself as she entered their cabin.


The dress actually looked good once it was on Anna. The green fabric framed her skinny body, the long sleeves went all the way to her wrist and the skirt, that went down to her ankles, was perfect to twirl in. She had exprimented with her hair and finally decided on low ponytail that was held together with a green bow. She had let her necklace rest on her chest over her dress, rather than to tuck it in as she always did. The only thing that was recognisable was her brown boots, still worn out and ripped.

She came onboard deck, Bunny in tow, and saw that Jack and Merida were playing chess. Merida moved her knight and mumled check mate. Jack groaned and Merida looked up at Anna. She gasped.

-Beautiful! Extrordinary! She ran up to her and smoothend out her dress.
-If I wasn't in love with another woman, I would love to date you! Merida winked.

Anna laughed. And it was like Jack had seen her for the first time.
She was really beautiful.

-Oh, and you need to learn to dance, if you shall be a princess and attend any balls. Jack, Merida grabbed her friend's arm and shoved her into Anna's arms. Jack took position and guided Anna how to hold when you waltz. He took her hand and they started dancing but they were really not sync, so Merida, who had picked up Bunny, stopped them.

-No Anna, you let Jack lead. Now, continue! she retorted and sat down, stroking Bunny's fur.

They were in position again and started to dance slowly, as Jack lead them. Jack cleared his throat.

-That dress is really beautiful, you know.

Anna smiled.

-You think so?

-Yeah, absolutley. It looked nice on the hangar, Anna snorted, but it looks great on you. You should wear it sometime, he finished as he twirled her.

Anna smiled even wider.

-I am wearing it.

Jack chuckled nervously.

-Oh, right. You know, I'm just trying to be... nice, in a way of apologasing after being such a jerk before.

Anna shrugged.

-Yeah, you were kind of an asshole.

Jack laughed and Anna felt her stomach fill with butterflies and grined. Jack started to lead her all around the deck. Merida watched and hummed.

-It's one, two, three

and suddenly, I see it as a glance.

She is radiant and confident and born to take this chance, Merida sang as she watched Jack twirl her again.

I thaught her well, I planned it all. Jack let go of her other hand and brought her other hand to the other side of him and Anna spun back to him. Merida watched as Anna smiled at Jack.

-I just forgot romance.

Mer, how could you do this?

How will we get through it?

She sighend.

-I never should have let them dance......

Anna and Jack continued to dance, not hearing Merida's soft singing, because they were starring into eachothers eyes, being in their own little world.

-I'm feeling a little dizzy... Anna spoke finally.

Jack shrugged, looking at his feet.

-Kind of light headed?

Anna nodded, as they slowed down.

-Yeah, me too. Probably from all the spinning. Maybe we should stop, Jack suggested.

-We have stopped, Anna stated.

Instead of replying, Jack held on to Anna's hands longer.

-Anna, I really...

Anna nodded slowly, even though she was burning inside.

-...really, he continued as he leaned forward and Anna leaned into him to.

Inches apart from eachother, Jack stopped himself and patted her hand.

-You're doing fine, he asserted and slipped away from her grasp. Anna looked after him, disappointed and betrayed. It was ridicouls for her to think that something might happen between the two of them. That she might expect a romance like Merida's and Elsa's. Anna took Bunny out of Merida's arms and hurried after Jack. Merida sighend.

-Straight people...


They were back in their cabin and because of the strong,big Waves, the cabin was rocking back and forth. Anna was braiding her hair when she heard Merida wince.

-Are you okay? she asked. Anna had changed from her dress into pajamas and had finally taken of her shoes.

Merida, who sat next to Anna, looked almost as green as her own pajamas.

-What do you think, lass. Why can't the boat stand still? And look at him! She pointed at Jack, who had made a bed from their suitcases, envy across her face.

-How can he sleep through this?! She laid down on the floor, groaning. Anna laughed.

Bunny was hoping onto of Jack, knocking his bag down in attempt. It fell to the floor, it's content spilling out. Anna shuffled it all back in except for one thing, which was a blue and gold metal box. She picked it up carefully, examing it. She felt a familiar feeling bursting in her chest.

Merida hummed in pride.

-Pretty jewelry box isn't it?

Anna didn't look at her, only keeping her eyes on the box.

-Are you sure that's what it's?

Merida snorted.

-What else could it be?

-Well it must be something special, she said gloomy. It must be holding a secret. She was woken from her trance by Bunny sniffing her feet. She put back the box into Jack's bag.

-Could that be possible?

Merida shrugged as she climbed the ladder to her bed.

-Well, anything is possible. You taught Jack how to dance, didn't you?

Anna chuckled, a blush creeping onto her cheeks as she  recalled the memory. She took Bunny in her arms and stood up, as Merida turned the lights of. Anna laid down in her bed and put Bunny on the side of her.

-Sweet dreams, princess, Merida murmued.

-Same to you, your grace, Anna shoot back.

Merida groaned and Anna giggled. She shut her eyes, the memory of the waltz still fresh in her memory. She smiled.

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