she'll be gone

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On the celling of the castle, lay a small green chameleon (but his master, who thought he would be more useful if he could fly, had used magic to give him wings. The chameleon hated them, they didn't match his scales or his colour!) who had been listening to the whole conversation they had. The chameleon giggled.

-Annastasia? Well, rough luck pal, she is one of Adgarr's and all of his family are dead. Dead, dead, de..

Pascal screech as the lantern next to him began to glow brighter and green demons scratched the glass that held them prisoner.

-Okay, so now, that you want to get out, I am to believe that this girl is Annastasia?

Then, a demon cravled out of the lantern and flew torwards Pascal. He shrieked and fell over.

-OH, quit it with the smoke and the gloming, he exclaimed. He looked uneasy.

-Then that girl must be Annastasia, he shivered. Oh, poor Hans. He never did accomplish his curse...

At the mention of its master, the lantern hovered up,took hold of the lizard and launched itself onto the ground. Pascal screamed as they made their way underground through water, dirt and lava.

Finally, they hovered in the middle of nothing, making their way into a solitude made of vines.

They made their way through the wall and fell to the floor with a thud.

-Who dares to wake me from my slumber?

Hans emerged from nowhere, his brown cloak to big for his thin body, his skin gray and dark circles under his eyes. Pascal had not seen him for 8 years, but despite his thin frame and the signs of not sleeping for a while, he had not changed a bit from when Pascal last saw him. In rage, Hans tore down a pillar with his own hands.

He squeezed the green lizard hybrid in his hand but let go when he saw that it was his most trusted friend.


He let go and Pascal fell to the stone table. He took his master's hand.

-Master Hans? You're alive? Pascal asked, feeling a mix of happiness and unease.

Hans laugh as his hand disconnected from his wrist. Pascal's eyes widened. He was dead.

-Yes, in some ways. Something is going on. He stated, as Pascal screwed his hand back into his wrist.

Pascal nodded.

-Yes master..

Hans threw up his hands in frustration.

-I can feel the dark forces awakening!

Pascal climbed up to his master's shoulder.

-Well, that's because Annastasia's alive. I saw her, sir.

Hans turned his head so fast to Pascal, that his ear fell out of place.

-ANNASTASIA?! ALIVE? he screamed.

Pascal shrugged as he put Hans's ear back.

-I know. Isn't it just a knife in the back? I guess that a curse ain't what is used to be.

-That's why I am stuck here in Limbo. My curse is not fufiled! He threw out his hands in excietment, making his hand come undone again.

Hans looked at his hand and began to weep.

-Look at me! Im falling apart! he weept even harder, throwing himself onto the floor. I'm a wreck!

Olaf screwed his hand onto his wrist again.

-Well, considering how long you been dead, you look great! No, really!

Hans looked hopefully at his minion.


-Does it look like I would lie to you? Come on, you still got the ambition of living man in you!

Hans groweled and sat up again.

-If only I had not lost the Power of the dark forces, he announced.

-Oh, you mean this thing? Olaf asked and carried the lantern to Hans.

Hans cried with glee.

-Where did you get that, he asked, trying to look as innocent as possible.

- I found it, Pascal said, cheerfully. Even though he sometimes doubted his master's decisions, he was glad that he could satisfy him.

-GIVE IT TO ME, Hans screamed, as he reached for the lantern, knocking the lizard out of the way.

-Okay, don't get so aggresieve! Pascal frowned.

-My old friend, Hans cooed and caressed it, finally together. Now my curse will be done and the last of Adgarr's family will be dead!

He raised the lantern up high and lighting struck.

-In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning! he played with his lantern and several insects came to listen to Hans sing.

The nightmare I had was as bad as can be,

It scared me out of my wits, a corpse falling to bits!

Then I opened my eyes and the nightmare was me!

I was once the most mystical man in all of Norway!

When Agdarr betrayed me he made a mistake! He slammed the lantern on the stone table and began calling his powers, making a mirror so he could se Anna.

-I made each of them pay.

But one little girl got away!

Little Anna, beware, Hans is awake!

Now the bugs started singing to.

-In the dark of the night, evil will find her!

In the dark of the night, just before dawn!

Hans tuned in.

-Revenge will be sweet, when the curse is complete!

In the dark of the night, she'll be gone!

Hans inhaled deeply, smiling manically.

-I can feel my powers are slowly returning, he looked at his wrist and saw that his veins started to become darker. He put on a orange wig and started brushing it, looking in a mirror that made him look like Anna.

-I tie my sash and a dash of colonge for that smell! As the pieces fall into place,

I'LL SEE HER CRAWL INTO PLACE! Do svidaniya, Anna, your grace, farewell!

He took of the wig and began walking down the stairs into his potions room.

-In the dark of the night terror will strike her!

Hans laughed.

-Terror's the least I can do!

In the dark of the night, evil will brew!

Soon she will feel that her nightmares are real!

In the dark of the night,


In the dark of the night, terror comes through

My dear, it's a sign

It's the end of a line!

In the dark of the night!

Hans put down his lantern and called his powers.

-Come my minions!

Rise for your master!

Let your evil shine!

Find her now!

Yes, fly even faster!

In the dark of the night...

SHE'LL BE MINE! Hans screamed as his minions flew to earth.

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