she's vulnearble

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Meanwhile in Limbo, Hans was watching the scene with an smug grin on his face.

Pascal gasped.

-There she is master, sound asleep.

Hans brought his fingers together and giggled.

-Yes but most important of all, she's vulnerable, he said, stroking the image. I'll get inside your mind, where you can't escape me. Now, now. We shall not disturb the princesses dreams.

Just like foam, Hans's minions got through the door by becoming green mist and spreading across the room. They sniffed their way to Anna, transforming into innocent butterflies when they got inside her mind, making it easier to get her in a trance.

Anna, who was clueless what was happening, was having a pleasant dream. Butterflies were flying everywhere and she woke up under a tree. She sat up, seeing that she was in a meadow, wearing a white dress. She was woken by her brother, Henry, who told her to follow him and the butterflies. She got up from her sleeping place and follwed Henry. In real life she got up from her bed and followed the butterflies demons outside her cabin. Bunny awoke, searching with eyes and scent after his friend. When he realised she was gone, he tried to wake Jack instead.

Outside, there was a storm, which made the waves extra large and every time one of them hit the boat it jolted.

Anna didn't mind that, because she was still in her dream, following her brother and the butterflies. She was making her way up a little hill with Henry ahead of her. He looked back at her, smiling.

-Come on! He shouted and waved her forward. He started to skipp and Anna followed the suite. He jumped onto a big tree trunk and walked to the rest of her family, who was on the other side of the trunk. The shouted at her to hurry up, as they jumped into the river. Anna smiled and followed but lost her balance and fell backwards because of the strong wind and the waves that rolled onto deck. She caught the railing which made her regain her balance and she followed the rest of her family to the cliff.

Bunny was now scratching in Jack's face which finally made him wake up. Jack sat up and took a hold of Bunny.

-Hey! Quit it, Bunny! As his eyes began to clear, he looked around and saw that Anna was missing. His eyes flew open and he scrambled up from bed, making his way up to deck, Bunny in a tow.

He ran out and couldn't stop himself as he ran into the wall but pushed himself off and kept going, having only one thing on his mind.

-ANNA! he screamed as he rushed up the stairs. Bunny tried to follow but he couldn't get up to the first step.

Anna, in reality, had now made her way onto the opposite side of the deck and climbed up to the edge of the boat, holding onto to a rope. In her dream she was watching her family swim in the river under the cliff. Her family waved at her and she waved back happily.

-Come sunshine, join us! The water is warm! her father shouted as he splashed her mother. Her brother jumped in and made a big splash which made all of them laugh.

Jack was runing up on deck screaming after Anna. A big wave came and washed over Jack who was fast enough to spot the watchtower and sprinted to it. He scrambled up and climbed up the watchtower, his eyes frantically searching after Anna. He caught sight of her, just when she was about to jump in the ocean. He felt panic rising in him.

-ANNA! STOP! He grabbed onto a rope and swung himself torwards her.

Anna stoped herself from joining her family when she heard someone else call her name. She looked back but didn't see anyone. She looked back at the water and it was only her father who was there now. He reached for her and morphed back into it's orignal form, a winged.

-Yes! Jump! The water turned into lava as it changed back to a demon. It grew larger and was looking down at Anna. The meadow, the tree trunk- everything disappeared around her but the little space she was standing on.

-Adgarr's curse! JUMP, the demons screamed and tried to drag her down to the lava. Anna screamed, trying to get away from the demon's grasp. She screamed even louder when a demon grabbed her from behind. She started to kick and punch it screaming to let her go.


Her eyes flew opened and she was meet with a pair of warm amber eyes. Jack sat her down and held her hands.

-Agdarr's curse! she shouted. Jack furrowed his eyebrows.

-Adgarr's curse? What are you talking about?

Anna panted as the images burned inside her mind. Anna burried her head into his chest and shut her eyes. Jack's breath caught.

-I keep seeing faces, so many faces.

He put his arms around her and put his head on top of her's, a new feeling inside him.

-It was a nightmare. It is all right.

But for Hans, who had watched the whole thing, it wasn't. He dragged the skin of his face as long as he could and screamed with all the power his body had.He banged his head against the stone table and Pascal sat and patted his shoulder.

-Easy there, sir. Don't lose your head!

Hans inhaled and exhaled slowly as his face sank into his throat.

-You are right, I'll shall be calm, he said before his head disappeared completely into his body. Pascal followed his head.

-I'm getting a moment of light, Pascal. I need to kill her myself you see. In person.

-But master, you can't! You are falling apart!

-Well if want something done, you have to do it yourself! Hans stated as he grabbed his head and pulled it out of his body. He put it in it's right place.

-But how will we even get to Earth? Pascal questioned.

Hans smirked.

-Well, I thought we could take the train!

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