Just friends

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Marco walked down the halls of Echo Creek Academy, everything was normal. Normal classes, normal teaches, normal boring lessons. Well, that all changed when Star Butterfly dimension hopped into his life. Suddenly, one of the classroom doors burst open and a herd of wild unicorns galloped out of the class making a ruckus and basically destroying most of the school. Marco smiled lightly.
He said under his breath as a bright pink unicorn came running towards him with a certain wand-wielding princess riding on it's back. She was hollering and laughing loudly when she spotted the boy in the red hoodie.
She steered the horse towards Marco and held out her hand, Marco began to shake his head and telling her no but she grabbed onto his hoodie anyway and pulled him onto the back of the horse.
"Ready to go home!?"


"That's not really an answer. I was looking for more of a 'yes' or 'no"

"Star! Look out!"
Star turned back around and realized that there was a ridiculously tall wall that the unicorn was heading straight for. Star narrowed her eyes and grabbed a fist full of the horses mane and yelled back to Marco to hold on.
"What am I supposed to hold onto?!"

"Umm me! Duh Marco!"
Marco hesitantly wrapped his arms around Star's waist. The pair both screamed as the unicorn took a huge leap and successfully jumped over the wall and landed gracefully on the ground. Marco sighed in relief.
"Thank goodness that's over."
Star simply giggled and continued to hold onto the totally awesome unicorn. They arrived at the Diaz household a few minutes later and Star used her dimensional scissors to put the animal back in it's own dimension. She smiled as she turned to face Marco, he blushed slightly and quickly shook it off as he asked her.
"Ready for the movies tonight?"
She smiled so wide that her eyes crinkled and she let out a high pitched squeal.
"Yep! I'm so excited! I love watching the pictures on the box! And Alfonso and Ferguson will be there to! Oh it's going to be so much fun, huh Marco!"
He smiled and nodded.
"Yep! It's gonna be a blast."
The two headed inside to begin getting ready for the movie. A few hours later, they met up with Ferguson and Alfonso at the movie theater.
"Wazzup my brothers! Oh and sisters!"
Ferguson said and he did a weird little dance right there in front of everyone. Marco felt slightly embarrassed but shrugged it off as he got more comfortable. They bought their tickets and headed inside. Star was practically bouncing off the walls as she pleaded for Marco to buy her something sweet. He, of course, complied to the girls wishes. Marco really couldn't help it, she was his best friend. When they entered the theater, Marco picked the perfect seats for movie watching.
"These seats are not to close but they are also not to far."
Marco explained as everyone got adjusted and comfortable. Star still seemed to have endless energy and enthusiasm as she rocked her chair back and forth eagerly. She did this until Marco gently placed his hand on Star's shoulder.
"Star, you need to take a few deep breaths and relax. Movies are suppose to be relaxing ."
Star took a few exaggerated breaths and closed her eyes, she slumped in her chair as she breathed out. She peeked her eyes open and looked up at Marco through her eyelashes. His heart suddenly began pounding in his chest and he stared deeply into her sky blue eyes. She stared back but the intense stare was rudely interrupted by the loud intro to the beginning of the movie. Star directed her attention to the screen and Marco internally pouted as she put all her attention on the movie. Regardless of how excited Star was for this movie, halfway through the movie, Star passed out.
"That wild unicorn ride must have worn her out."
He whispered under his breath. Her head suddenly moved towards the sound of his voice and in a split second, Star's head was resting on Marco's shoulder. He smiled down at her and gently pushed a stray blonde hair behind her ear. Marco blushed as Alfonso made a coughing noise and he looked up to see his two friends eyeing him and Star. Ferguson began to wiggle his eyebrows at Marco and Alfonso covered his mouth and began to softly laugh.
"We're just friends!"
Marco whispered/shouted. He glared at his friends as they turned there attention back to the movie. But Marco just couldn't focus on the movie anymore. He found himself extremely fascinated by Star as her watched her eyelashes flutter as she dreamed.

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