The Mewnian Royal Ball

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Marcia pounded on the bathroom door, she needed to take a shower before school started. Marcia lifted her wrist to check her watch, it was already 7:30.
"Comet! Hurry up I have to take a shower!"
She was about to pound on the door again when it burst open and the sometimes annoyingly cheerful prince hopped into the hallway. His blonde hair was shiny and combed to the best of Comets abilities since his hair was getting shaggy. He looked at Marcia with bright, sky blue, awake eyes and a charming smile. Marcia felt her cheeks warm, she quickly shoved Comet out of the way and scolded him about being on time as she shut the door behind her. Comet smiled at the closed door. She was still going on about him 'hogging' the shower but he had no idea why pigs would be involved in all this. He couldn't shake the smile off his face as he ran to his room to grab his backpack. He found his backpack sprawled on the floor with many of the homework papers he was suppose to have done. He bent over and picked them up, examining each one when he was startled suddenly by his mirror ringing. Comet dropped the papers and groaned loudly. It was his dad.
"Great. What did I do now?"
Comet pressed the answer button very slowly as if he could delay the conversation. Comet forced a smile on his face when his father appeared on the mirror.
"Good morning Son."
"Morning Dad."
His father, River wasted no time and dove into his speech.
"Son, as you well know, it is a special day for the kingdom-
"Special day?" Comet thought. "What day is today? Taco Tuesday? No that's an Earth custom."
"-The Royal Mewnian Ball is an extremely vital ritual to help keep the citizens, nobles, and royals alike in communication with one another. It is critical that you make an appearance tonight, son. But you'll need a companion to accompany you."
His father looked at him expectantly. River was willing to stand by and let Comet pick his own date, he just hopped it wasn't the last  girl, Tommy. Comet knew just the girl for the job.
"K Dad! Got to go! Bye!"
"Comet who are you-"
He quickly cut his dad off by pressing the end button. Comet leaned against the wall and sighed. He hoped she would come, she was already such a great dancer. Comet let his thoughts wonder back to that night when a mysterious girl with a skeleton mask took his hand and made him forget everything else that wasn't her for those few moments. And upon realizing who it was had seemed like icing on the cake.

He quickly shook his head so he could attempt to avoid blushing as he grabbed his backpack and rushed out the door to breakfast

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He quickly shook his head so he could attempt to avoid blushing as he grabbed his backpack and rushed out the door to breakfast. He'd just ask her after school.

Marcia watched curiously as Comet skipped along toward the Diaz house. He seemed happy, more than usual she supposed, and as if he couldn't wait to get home when usually he would beg Marcia to look at this or that on the way home.
"Yes Marci?"
He turned towards her with a wide grin, patiently waiting for her to speak. Marcia coughed to clear her throat at the sudden attention she was receiving from the prince.
"Whats up?"
Marcia watched as the boys usually confident face slipped away and a sheepish grin replaced it.
"Well, uh, I have to ask you something."
Marcia felt her heart squeeze in excitement. She gently nodded for him to continue.
He smiled again before speaking.
"Well you see there's this royal ball tonight in Mewni and I have to go there and 'make an appearance' is how my father would put it. Anyways-"
Comet waved his hands around before shoving them in his pockets.
"I need a date to come with me so I thought that since you're such a good dancer and you're my best friend that you could ya know, come with me?"
Comet had his hands clasped together and he smiled wide this time and waited for Marcia to reply. Marcia definitely would never willingly go to a dance with tons of people with tons of chances that she could embarrass or accidentally-
"Sure! I'll go with you Comet!"
What was she doing? Comets face lit up instantly and he began thanking her and telling her how awesome she was. He grabbed her hand and began running towards the house as he told her of all the things that the royal ball was about. He looked back and every few words to smile at her.
'This is why I did that.' She thought to her self.

After confirming her parents that Marcia would be home before midnight, Comet finally convinced them to letting the two out on a school night. Comet sighed as he checked the clock for the very first time. He never cared if he was late or early but now that his parents were involved he was starting to worry that he might get in huge trouble if he wasn't at the ball in time. Comet tapped his nice dressy shoes on the floor rhythmically. Even though he despised anything formal he had to admit that his father really let him spread his wings on this one. He had used a spell to create his favorite outfit into a nice and fashionable attire. He smiled at one of the many star buttons trailing down his chest. He smiled at the floor when he heard the slow tap of heals hitting the hardwood floor. The steps were slow so he assumed that Marcia was trying not to fall. Comet began to look up.
"Hey Marci if you keep that grandma pace up we might-"
Comet lost his voice for a second upon seeing his normally red hoodie, plain skirt, and converse best friend transformed into a deep red ball gown wearing girl. She looked like a princess. Comet smiled at her as she got closer. A princess for sure. Marcia suddenly slipped but Comet was prepared and quickly caught her. Maybe not a princess, more like a very pretty girl who doesn't wear heels very often. Marcia's face was a bright pink as she straighten herself.
"Well then, we had better get going."
She said as she lifted her chin up in a rare show of confidence.
"Yes Ma'am."
Comet said softly as he pulled out his dimensional scissors and opened a portal into Mewni. Comet held out his hand to her. She took it and he gently pulled her through the portal. They both looked around the giant ballroom that was decorated with beautiful flowers only known to Mewni. He was getting pretty good at the exact location of portals, or maybe just really lucky.
"Welcome Son."
Comet froze as if he were guilty but then checked himself and realized he had done nothing wrong. Yet. Comet swirled around and turned Marcia with him. He put one arm around her waist, he needed strength if he was going to deal with his father tonight. Marcia was the strongest person he knew.
Marcia held back a gasped as she felt Comets fingers press down on her waist. She forced a calm expression on her face as she faced his parents.
"Mom, Dad, you remember Marcia Diaz right?"
"Of course dear how could we forget her!"
His mom smiled brightly at her. Marcia did her best attempt at a curtsy. Apparently watching all those princess movies really paid off because she smiled down at her in approval. Comet was smiling at her too. She felt him put his hand on her waist again. His father though seemed to be a whole different story. He barely had a smile on his face as he simply nodded at her and placed his attention on Comet.
"Son, you need to be on your best behavior tonight. This is a very important event and I do not want to see a repeat of last year."
Marcia noticed Comet held his head down and kept his mouth firmly closed as if he wanted to say something but didn't dare to. Marcia put her hand on top of the one that was holding her waist and gently squeezed. She knew Comet felt it when his face relaxed and he looked up again. Marcia didn't see it but his mother smiled at her in appreciation.
"Oh River darling, tonight is about opportunity and fun! You kids go and enjoy yourselves!"
Comet didn't hesitate in grabbing Marcia's hand and pulling her as far away from his parents as possible.
"He really loves you Comet. I think he just has a funny way of showing it."
Comet stopped pulling her and looked back towards his parents.
"Maybe you're right. But that still doesn't make it okay for him to push me around."
"I think his pushing is him trying to help you. You both are two totally different people and sometimes your personalities just clash but that's okay. It'll be alright in the end."
Comet looked thoughtful for a moment. Soft music began to play in the background and couples were making their way onto the dance floor. Comet smiled and grabbed her waist, pulling her closer until their foreheads touched.
"Let's not talk about this now. Wanna dance with me?"
How could she say no? Marcia replied by grabbing his hand and putting the other on his shoulder.
Only if you can keep up with me!"
She said with a devilish grin. Comet laughed and squeezed her waist causing her to giggle.
"Being ticklish is a weakness Marci."
Marcia simply threw her head back and laughed toward the ceiling. She quickly grasped his hand and spun him around then kicked one of his feet out from under him until his was beginning to fall backwards. She caught him before he hit the ground and held him there. Comet looked completely stunned as he stared up at her. She leaned down closer until her hair was tickling his face.
"Don't ever let your guard down. That's a weakness."
Marcia winked as she pulled him up. Comet stared at her a moment longer before laughing and wrapping his arms around her waist once again.
"I admit Safe Kid, you got me there."
They continued to laugh as they danced through many songs until they could barely walk through the portal back home. Marcia quickly found her bed and was barely awake as she put on her gray night shirt and soft shorts. She was just about to sleep when her door cracked open and bright blonde hair popped through the doorframe. Comet noticed Marcia was awake so he ran over to her and hopped on the bed in the empty space next to her. He laid down on top of the covers next to her and turned so they faced each other. Marcia looked cute with her droopy eyes.
She whispered softly.
Comet said back.
"Marcia, I just wanted to thank you for coming with me. I really needed you tonight."
Comet paused when he noticed that Marcia was already asleep. Her eyes were closed and the covers were slowly rising and falling. He looked at her lips, they were slightly parted and quiet breathes were traveling in and out of her lungs. Comet smiled sleepily. He was getting tired just watching her sleep. Comet hesitated before placing a quick kiss on her cheek. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. Comet carefully climbed off the bed and ran back to his room, burring himself under his covers. It only took a spilt second for him to doze off into a peaceful sleep.

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