Blind au 3/?

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Marco looked at the scene before him; white flaky snow falling from the sky. The world almost frozen from the stillness. An angel with blonde hair spilling around her, laying on the ground. He smiled down at Star as she enjoyed the snow on the ground. She had told him that morning she remembered how snow looked and feeling it with her skin brought back happy memories. So she had walked outside and found a clear spot were she could lay on the snow. He watched her as she moved her arms up and down while her legs moved out and back in. She was making a snow angel. Marco thought that just her laying in the snow made her look like an angel. Her coat was white with gray fur on the hood, her gloves had been white until they had dug to far in the snow and had grabbed mud while making a snowman a few hours ago. And with her long blonde hair laying wildly around her head, she was a spitting image of what Marco considered an angel. Marco snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a loud sigh.
"I'm too tired to keep moving." She left her arms stretched out while she closed her eyes. Suddenly Marco smiled wickedly. He bent down and quietly grabbed a handful of snow. Shaping it in his hand, he gently tossed it and watched it land on Star's neck. She lurched up and glared at him. Marco might have thought she was actually angry if he hadn't seen the slight tug on the corners of her mouth. "So that's how it's gonna be Diaz?" Marco just chuckled as she gathered snow into her hands. Marco tried to dodge her attack but she could make snowballs and throw them at impressive speed. He stood up and began to run but she just laughed at his retreating figure. "Run all you want Diaz, I can hear your big clomping feet!" Star seemed to find joy in that and Marco paused to watch her laugh. She held her hand to her stomach and let the snowball drop from the other. He hadn't realized he had been walking towards her until he was standing over her. She was shaking with laughter now and fell back in the snow. Marco found himself on the snow too, next to Star. Marco couldn't help it, when Star laughed, he laughed along with her.

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