Blind Star au 1/?

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"Miss Butterfly, you have glaucoma."
Four years later and that memory decides to make a visit at the most unwanted time. Star was already terrified and she didn't need anything else disturbing her. She was moving to a new school, for the first time ever. Star was to spend the rest of her sophomore,junior, and senior year at Echo Creek Academy. A high class school that offered programs for kids like her. Specifically, programs for blind kids. Star took a deep breath. Tomorrow she would start her new school. She took another deep breath. Today, she would meet the family that she would be staying with. Her own home town was 244 miles away and her parents had important business in her hometown and had decided,without her, that she should simply stay with a family instead of the whole business and her parents moving with her. Which was fine with Star, she understood how hard it was to run the business of a major shipping company and raise a child, trying hard to be good at both. What she couldn't understand is why her old school would no longer pay for her learning program. She had been the only girl in her school who was blind so she figured they didn't want to use money on just one student. Star coughed to try to dislodge the emotion in her throat. This school will be different. I'll make new friends and have a good time while I'm at it. She thought hopefully. The word friend tugged a memory of herself and her best friend pony head snatching up some cookies from her fathers kitchen and sneaking off to eat them. Star felt herself smile. They were 10 and still had not stopped making childish trouble. Star didn't have time to feel sad about leaving her best friend because she felt the bus stop and the driver called out her destination. Star stood and reached up for her bag. She held it at her side and used her long cane to feel around the bus to the door. She didn't think she really needed to since she had been on four buses today and thought she knew a bus pretty well by now. But she decided caution instead of confidence as she stepped off the bus and onto the side walk. She might not be able to see but that just meant her other senses were heightened. Star heard whispering on her right, hesitated, and finally turned. She should have been used to it by now, people always get uncomfortable or careful when they notice her disability. Most tried to help which she appreciated but some times she didn't really need it. And others, well, you can imagine. Star took one last deep breath before speaking. She had a strange fear that it might be the last breath of calm. "The Diaz's?" She asked as she fixed her devil headband on top of her head. Not even a spilt second after she spoke there was an  outburst and 'hellos' and 'so happy you are here!' Star immediately felt welcome, she could practically hear the smiles on their faces. She recognized a high female voice and a low voice with a spanish background/accent. She thought she also heard a quieter male voice as well. "Hello! Star is it? My name is Angela Diaz! So happy you are here! I was worried we wouldn't get a student this year!"
Star held out her hand and smiled. Angela took it and covered her own hand with both of hers and shook it with energy.
"Hola, I'm Mr. Diaz! Como estas!" Star confirmed to herself that this man had Spanish background without a doubt. She held out her hand but instead of a handshake she felt two large arms wrap around her small frame. Star gasped in surprise, not expecting to be hugged.
"Oh Raphael!" Angela whispered urgently.
"Oh, Star I'm so sorry."
The man let her go, setting her onto the ground gently, she could feel the tense air as they waited for her reaction.
"No it's okay! I just wasn't expecting such a warm welcome! Just warn me next time."  Star smiled brightly and reached out and touched his shoulder. The moment passed and she heard gentle steps walking forward. Wind blew her hair and she imagined it as a smooth hand pushing her hair away from her face.
"Hi. I'm Marco."
Star resisted the urge to giggle. Ever since she lost her sight, she found sounds and music and voices much more interesting. Marco had a nice voice. Not too deep but not high either. He sounded nervous but she could tell he trying to hiding it. Star smiled and suddenly felt self conscious around a person she never met. Star held out her hand and genuinely smiled. A simple happiness filled her when he took her hand. She thought he held it too long but the moment was over when he pulled away from her. "Can I take your bags?" She smiled at the nice voice and nodded, appreciating that he didn't automatically assume she was helpless. Star heard Angela's voice pass her. "Just follow us! The house is right up here! I'll hold open the door, there we go!" Star stepped into the house and was completely taken back by the overwhelming smell of food and the feeling of warmth. She stepped into this house and she knew it was a home with a loving family. Star felt relieved her mother had picked the right place. She used her long cane to maneuver through the home as they took a slow and detailed tour.
"And here we have this old coffee table, Raphael found it in a junk yard and insisted we have it in the middle of the living room."
Star softly laughed under her breath at Angela's sneaky way of telling Star exactly were the furniture was so she wouldn't trip on anything. The tour continued on and Star was slightly relieved when they made it upstairs and to the doorway of her room. Raphael and Angela began to excuse themselves to go make dinner.
"We will leave you in Marco's care!" The couple said as she heard their footsteps going down the stairs. There was a click and Star snapped her head in the direction of the noise.
"Sorry I-I was opening the door."
Star found herself smiling again.
"It's quite alright. So Marco, what grade are you in?"
After years of uncomfortable conversation with people, Star had learned a lot about small talk.
"As of a couple of weeks ago, I'm a sophomore now."
"Hey me too! Wait, so you mean the school year has already started?"
"Um, yeah?"
"Oh no! Now I'll be even more of a new kid than before!"
Star held her cheeks with both hands. Marco chuckled.
"How could you be even more of a new kid?"
Star stepped into the doorway. She huffed and, to add dramatic effect, she stomped her foot.
"Because Marco, if I had arrived on the first day there might have been other new kids and I wouldn't be the only one! Now that the rush of the first day is gone, I have no cover. I at least hope there's another new kid."
"Sorry to be the one who has to tell you this Star but we don't have any new kids this year.
Star sighed. Of course not.
"But if it makes you feel any better, every one at school is really nice and if anyone gives you any problems, just tell me.
He said that last part in a deeper tone as if he was implying he was a force to be reckoned with. Star seriously doubted it though since he was so nice and slightly awkward.
"Thanks." She smiled for the fiftieth time that day. Star heard Marco clear his throat.
"Anyways, there's a bed in the corner and a bedside table right next to it. Also the door to your left connects into a bathroom. Oh and theres a closet door on the right of you. I'm going to put your bags on your bed unless you'd rather them somewhere else?"
"No, the bed is fine." Star used her long stick and walked around the room, going into the bathroom and coming back to examine the closet. She made her way to the bed and found the desk. Star slowly took out something from her backpack. She felt the plastic handle and traced her fingers up to the circle with a star in the middle, then she traced both wings on each side of the wand before putting it in the dresser. It closed with a quiet click.
"What's it like?"
Star turned toward Marco.
"I'm sorry that was rude of me. I'm just curious and... And..."
Star laughed lightly, it took more than a genuinely curious question to offend her.
"Well, it's definitely not fun. I never get to see the color blue. I can't see my best friend's face curl up when she laughs. I can't go to a museum and look at paintings, not that I'd want to." She laughed and lowered herself onto her bed.
"People think it's strange. Not all people of course! Some are very kind, like you and your family. But others can be not as understanding or as caring. A few kids at my school didn't understand so they pushed me away, I thought they were my friends." Star held her face up toward the ceiling. She felt the floorboards shift as Marco stepped closer to her.
"But I don't hate anyone or anything about my life. I believe that everything happens for a reason and I think that I'm stronger than I've ever been because of my blindness." Star felt herself being lifted up from the new pressure on the bed.
"You're really easy to talk to ya know that?"
Star felt a hand on her shoulder. She smiled in Marco's direction. She was glad he didn't reply with hollow words or promises like;'I'm sorry' or 'it will be okay'. 
They sat there in silence for a moment. But Star was restless and couldn't help but wonder.
"May I do something?"
Marco lifted his hand off her shoulder.
"Sure, I guess."
Star imagined him shrugging.
"Okay, just don't freak out."
Star reached up toward his voice with her hands and found soft skin and hard bone. It was his jaw, she traced it to his neck and attempted to imagine the outline of his face. She moved her hands up some. She gently rubbed his cheeks with her thumbs and found the corner of his mouth. She knew it would weird her out if someone touched her mouth so she was careful not to touch below his nose. He was stone still as she felt his forehead and moved her thumb over one eyebrow. She tried her best to imagine his face. It would be lovely if she could put a face to his voice. She went up more and found his hairline. His hair was soft, she felt her cheeks get warm and she pulled away. To hide her embarrassment she quizzed him.
"What color are your eyes?"
Marco coughed a few times before speaking.
"Uh, brown."
"And your hair?"
"Brown too."
"I'm trying to picture you." Star laughed at her own silliness. "You're very handsome Marco Diaz."
Marco coughed loudly again. She smiled in having found his weakness. Flirting.
Star smiled and was about to ask more about his features when his mother saved him by calling the two down for dinner. Star stood up and, with long cane in hand, begun her way down to the kitchen. She hadn't heard Marco's steps behind her.
"You coming Marco?"
"Y-yeah just a second."
Star shrugged and made her way past the doorframe and down into the hall.
Marco sat on her bed and stared after her parting figure. When she was out of hearing range, he let out a ragged breath. Marco breathed deeply a few times, trying to slow his beating heart. When he regained his calm, Marco smiled and whispered.
"Man, that girl is something."
And with that being said, Marco pulled himself up and began to chase after her. Something he would find himself doing often in the days to come.

So this is somethings I've been working on this past week and I finally finished it today. Sorry about the absence, life gets pretty busy. I read up on blindness and glaucoma and long canes but if i left anything out of absolute importance please let me know, I can't say i know alot about blindness because i dont even know  a blind person my self but i have been reading up on it to get a better understanding and i even walked around my house blindfolded to try to get a bit of an understanding. Forgive me if i left anything out and i just wanna give a shout out to any person who is blind or has any disability; I love you and you are amazing! I don't care what it is you are perfect and strong and loved! This isn't the last you'll see of this blind star au so be looking out for more! I plan on being particularly active this week and next hopefully. But it is finals so bear with me. Hey and check out @ sanguineair on tumblr! She is the artist of the art up there👆🏼 and she did an amazing job so round of applause for her amazing skills! Get some rest guys and happy reading!

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