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Star's eyes popped open as she slammed her fist on the alarm clock. She let out an excited squeal as she jumped up and began to get ready. Star was so happy because today was an Earth celebration! Marco said it was like Mewpendence day but for America. She was really excited for her first 4th of July. As soon as she was ready she ran down the stairs and hopped into a chair at the table. There were pancakes with little America flags  on them and cute little red, white, and blue cupcakes. Star smiled wide as she grabbed a pancake and plopped it on her plate. As she ate Marco entered the kitchen and went to the fridge to grab the milk.
"Good morning Star."
He said with a smile. She had syrup dripping from her chin.
"Good morning Marco!"
She sang as she grabbed another pancake.
"So are you ready for your first 4th of July?"

"Oh yeah! Im so excited to see another Earth culture!"
Marco smiled at her as she began to ask a billion questions about what they were going to do today and why they celebrated this day. Marco had already explained all that to Star last night but she wanted to hear it again. Marco didn't mind , he would explain it over and over again if he needed to for Star.

later that day•

"Is it dark enough yet?"

"No Star be patient!"

"Marco you know very well that 'patient' is not in my vocabulary!"

"Well then-"
All of a sudden there was a loud sound as the sky above then lit up red and a huge boom echoed around the backyard. Star gasped and covered her ears, she had never seen that before. Another loud boom and Star began to get uneasy, the noise hurt her ears.She looked up and saw an explosion in the sky followed with another loud boom. Star didn't understand what was happening. She got up and ran back inside the Diaz's house. She laid on the couch and covered her ears again and tried to breathe.
Marco was totally obvious to Star until he saw a really beautiful firework and turning to see if she saw it, Star was not beside him anymore though. He looked around outside but he couldn't find her. He walked back inside the house and began searching.
"Star? Are you in here?"
He looked around the living room and spotted her on the couch. She had pillows on each side of her head with her eyes shut tight. He gently put his hand on her shoulder but she flinched.
"Star? Star what's wrong?"
He said as he slowly began to pull her arms off her ears. She opened her eyes but as soon as another firecracker went off she but her hands over her ears and closed her eyes.
She peeked open her eyes. Marco's eyebrows were furrowed in concern.
"What's wrong?"

"I don- what are those things? The loud noise and the explosions?"

"Those are fireworks Star. Remember I explained at the end of the day they shoot fireworks in the sky."

"But I didn't think they'd be so loud and kinda scary!"

"Star listen, am I your best friend?"


"Now do you think I would bring you around something that could hurt you?"
Star shook her head.
"If the fireworks bother you so much then we can stay in here and do something else fun!"
Marco said enthusiastically. He smiled, hoping that he could reassure Star that everything was fine.
"No I want to see the fireworks Marco! I-I think I can handle it now!"
She tried to smile but he could tell she was still a little nervous.
"Okay. Lets go then."
Marco began walking towards the door when he felt Star grab his hand. He led star out side back to where they had been sitting in the grass. Another firework exploded in the sky a vibrant blue. As it made a loud boom, Marco watched Star cover her ears as she tried to watch. She still looked a little nervous so Marco thought a cupcake might help. He began to get up when Star suddenly reached for his hand.
"Where are you going?"
She looked slightly panicked.
"I'll be right back, I promise."
She reluctantly released his hand and Marco made a mad dash to the dessert table. He picked a blue one with a little star shaped ring on top, he knew Star would like it. He ran back to Star and handed her the cupcake. She smiled so wide and gave him a side hug for thanks. She began unwrapping it as Marco watched another firework shoot into the sky, it exploded and the boom echoed around them. Marco watched as Star tried to cover her ears and eat the cupcake at the same time but she ended up cringing.

"The noise, it hurts my ears."
Another loud boom and Star covered her ears again. Marco felt helpless, how could he help his best friend? He suddenly got an idea and he smiled as he got up and walked behind Star. He sat down and scooted closer to her until her back was against his chest.
"Marco what are you doing?"
He watched as the trail of a firecracker went into the sky. He quickly put his hands over her ears just as the firecracker went off. Star didn't flinch the time, she was simply looking up in awe at the green firecracker. Another went off and Marco kept his hands over Star's ears. She continued to stare at the sky as fireworks lit up her face. She eventually was able to eat her cupcake since Marco was covering her ears for her. He leaned up until his face was resting on her shoulder. He watched a firecracker explode. Then he turned his attention to Star. She had a soft smile on her lips as her eyes lit up every time a new firework came into the sky. He new he should be watching the fireworks, especially since they only came around once a year. But he couldn't help himself. Watching Star's face light up different colors and seeing her smiling seemed to be something he would much rather watch.

Hey guys! Hope you had a good fourth if you celebrate it! Sorry I haven't updated this story but I've been having writers block until I watched the fireworks last night and like Star, I dont like the loud noise and while i was trying to eat my cupcake, i had to set it down and cover my ears because the noise is to loud for me. Soo i got this idea of Marco being his sweet self by helping Star out! I have more stories so stick around if you'd like:) happy 4th America:)!!!•

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