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Going out was never really our thing but sometimes it had to be done I guess. I sat patiently at the bar, waiting for Lauren to finish singing with the DJ.

Sipping on my drink while bobbing slightly to the music, I felt an arm slip around my shoulders.

Turning to the side, my gaze met an unfamiliar man. Gently, I grabbed his hand and awkwardly removed it from around me but it quickly snaked its way back.

"Hello?" Sighing loudly, I frowned

"Hey!" He responded casually

"Uh, can you remove your arm please?" I asked as nicely as I could muster

"I'm okay actually but thanks for asking. So can I buy you a drink?" he asked, once again I removed his arm from me before shaking my head

"No, no you can't but thanks for asking." I flashed him a sarcastic smile before walking away.

A hand suddenly gripped around my wrist, stopping me. He pulled me slowly back to him

"Come on girl, what's your name?" his words were easily understood but he still slurred a little suggesting he was drunk

"Y/N. Yours?" I asked politely, trying to please him so he would stop

"Tony. So Y/N what's it gonna take for you to come home with me tonight? I got this great p-"

"You'd have to be my girlfriend for that to happen." I interrupted

"Oh, you're into girls on girls? That's hot, she can come too." he smirk

"Oh my god..."

"Where is she? Your girlfriend?" He asked, his grip tightening around my wrist.

I searched the room, not even noticing that she wasn't on stage any more until now. I spied her in the crowd and nodded towards her. Gregg turned to look at where I was signalling. A laugh escaped his lips

"That's Lauren fucking Jauregui, don't be ridiculous. If you're gonna pretend to have a girlfriend at least make it someone believable" I rolled my eyes

"I know who it is." I said distinctly.

"If she really is your girlfriend, prove it." His head shook

I thought for a moment, he wasn't going to leave me alone any time soon

"If I prove it you have to leave me alone." I stated, not giving him time to refuse. And so I began walking towards her, a sense of relief rolling through me as I felt him let go of my wrist however he still followed close behind.

Lauren was lost in the music, dancing with people I did't recognise but she seemed to be having fun. A warm smiled appeared as she noticed me approaching and I couldn't help but smile back

"Hey Y/N" she called over the music

"Hey!" I responded as I felt a nudge from behind me

"by the way Lauren, this is Tony"

"Hey there" She greeted still moving to the beat

"Was there something you wanted?" She giggled and I stared back for a moment

thinking of the best way to prove my point. Would just getting her to say she was my girlfriend be enough?

"Uh earth to Y/N..." a familiar hand started waving before my face.

I stepped closer to her, my eyes drifting to her lips as I put my arms around her. I could see the confusion on her face as my lips hovered inches from hers. I smiled slightly as I leaned in, planting my lips on hers. That feeling of reassurance filling me as she kissed back. Before long I pulled away turning to face Tony. a smirk prominent on my face.

He stared back, his mouth somewhat agape and I wasn't sure if it was because he was mesmerised by two girls kissing or over the fact it was Lauren Jauregui.

"You can go now." I remarked, before turning back to face my girlfriend.

"What happened to not liking PDA?" Lauren asked, a slight sense of annoyance in her voice. I shrugged in response

"Did you just kiss me to prove something to that guy? Because I'm not here to keep the stray dogs away from you Y/N"

"I know. I'm sorry" I murmured softly

"It was kind of a dick move but I was almost positive it would work...Are you mad?" I continued now taking note of her tone

"A little." she responded, closing the distance between us once more

"But so it doesn't happen again, I think you should kiss me one more time. Just to, you know, prove a point to everyone else here too." She smiled playfully.

"I don't know laur... You know I'm not a big fan of PDA." I teased.

"Shut up and kiss me." she laughed as she reached up and pulled me into another kiss.

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now