"i liked what i saw"

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a/n: so this story based on movie that i watched and i forgot the name....so yeah😊

btw in this story you and the girls sharing the house

Your hair drips down your back as you step out of the shower, grabbing your towel and wrapping it around your body. It's been a long and tiring day of working in the garden with Ally, and you were desperate to go home and take a nice, long shower. Thankfully, since you were alone in the house when you got home, you got to do just that.

"Shit" You whisper to yourself, realizing that you forgot your clothing back in your room.

You wrap the towel around your body a little tighter as you step out into the hallway, shivering from the coldness of the air as you walk back to your room. You've never been more thankful than right now that you're home alone- you wouldn't hear the end of it for days.

You dig through your new dresser drawers in search for clothes, hoping to find some that would be comfortable enough to wear around the house.

"Oh my god-"You hear a panicked voice call out from behind you, startling you enough to make you drop your towel. You turn around quickly and see Lauren standing in the doorway to your room, her cheeks beet red and looking very flustered.

"Get out!" You squeak out, embarrassed, as you throw your towel over your body to cover yourself up.

"Fuck" Lauren curses as she turns on her heels, exiting your room. shee slams the door shut behind her, making you breathe out a sigh of relief.

You hadn't known Lauren was home. she was supposed to be out on the run today with Camila, leaving you alone in your shared house for the day.

You didn't even bother to shut the door as you entered your room after taking your shower, thinking that you had complete and total privacy (which was something you don't get often).

Your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you realize what just happened. Lauren had just accidentally seen you naked. You two have known each other for years now, and you've managed to avoid this exact situation for that long.

You won't deny that you haven't thought about being naked in front of Lauren before, no- you're the same age, and you live in the same house only doors away from each other, of course you've thought about it before. But, never had your fantasies ever been in this context.

"Y'know, Y/N, typically if people are naked they close their doors." Lauren calls out from the other side of the door. You can practically hear the smirk on her face, making you roll your eyes. You quickly throw on a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top, not bothering to brush your still wet hair as you leave the room.

"Not gonna talk to me now, huh?" Lauren teases you as you open the door, walking past her. You blush, not wanting to face her right now. You're too embarrassed at what just occurred.

"Come on, Y/N. You don't need to be embarrassed." Lauren follows you down the hallway, so close to you that you're practically attached to each other.

"You saw me naked!" You turn around to face her

"Of course I'm embarrassed."
You look up at her, noticing how close you two are. Your chests are pressed together, and your faces only inches apart. You realize in this moment just how much you want to kiss her, how much you want her to push you up against the wall and fuck you into oblivion.

You turn your head to the side, not liking how being in this position is making you feel.

She's your best friend, you shouldn't feel this way about her, right?

"And if I liked it?" Lauren whispers, bringing her hand up to your chin to make you face her.

She's glancing down at your lips, making you suddenly feel nervous. Is she really going to do this?

"W-What?" You stutter out.

"I liked what I saw." Lauren breathes out.

"Not that I thought I wouldn't. I think about it enough to know that I would."
Lauren leans in, her forehead touching yours as her lips softly brush yours.

You're almost there, finally almost about to kiss the girl you've been crushing on for what feels like ages now, when you hear the front door open. Camila and Dinah's voice echo throughout the house, making you and Lauren jump away from each other.

Your heart is racing, and from the look of Lauren, so is her

"Y/N? Lo?" Camila voice calls out, making you two look at each other. Lauren looks at you, a smile plastered on her face.

"We'll be down in a minute!" You call out, still not moving from your position in Lauren's arms. Her lips brush your cheek as she leans down to whisper something in your ear.

"Come to my room tonight and we can finish what we just started."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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