This is how i feel

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You sighed in anger as you walked away from yet another jerk sitting at a table. You were a waitress at this small 'hole in the wall' diner , but it felt like you were getting treated like crap everyday. Guys would flirt with you , girls would act as if you were their slaves , and the tips? Ha. The only thing that made this job even worth working at was-

"You okay?" A voice asked , cutting you off from your moment of self pity. You smiled brightly as you looked up.

"Oh! Well , I am now that you're here." You said teasingly as Lauren put her purse on top of the counter.

"Yup!" Lauren said as she walked behind the counter and grabbed her apron that was folded up. "That's me... The sunshine to your day..." She shoot back and you giggled as she began to tie up the apron.

"Okay." She said once she was done. "Which one's mine?" She asked as she looked around the place. There weren't that many people there today , but you couldn't help but have your eyes go straight to the table where that jerk sat.

He was refusing to leave until he got your number and no matter how many threats you used on him , he didn't buy any of them. Well , maybe it also had to do with the fact that you aren't that good of a lair...

"Tell you what..." You finally said. "You get the jerk with the sweatshirt on to leave, and I'll take care of the rest of your tables for today..." You said and Lauren chuckled.

"I don't know..." She said as she shook her head.

"He seems like a hard cookie." She continued as she rubbed her hairless chin as if stroking a bread.

You laughed at the serious face she had as she did it. Finally though , she clapped her hands together as if getting an idea.

"Okay." She said but before you could hold out your hand for her to shake , she continued. "But if I do get him to leave , you have to agree to stay the night at the dinner with me..."

You knew exactly what that meant , and even if you had a crush on lauren , you couldn't just turn around and start dating her. Things aren't that simple! You two worked together , she was the only thing that made you feel good about working at a shitty place like this...

The only thing you could think about whenever she asked you out was : what if you two broke up? , what if she ended up hurting you? , what if you ended up finding out that you like the thought of her more then actually being with her? You couldn't put yourself through that... And yet, that pleading look on her face seemed so tempting...

"Alright" You finally said. "But you have to get him to leave. Deal?" You asked as you held out your hand again , Lauren smiled grabbing it with a nice gentle grip. "Deal"

lauren walked away and made her way over to the table. You watched as the two began to talk and Lauren soon wrote something down on a piece of paper before handing it to the guy and leaving , a smile on her face as the sound of a chair pushing back from a table filled her ears. The guy left. Just like that , he was gone.

"H-How did you do that?" You asked in shock as you watched the guy take out his phone to call someone as he walked passed the window of the diner.

"Easy." lauren said with a shrug. "I just gave him a fake number."


Laughter filled the diner as a light sound of rain filled the moments of peaceful quietness. Your cheeks actually hurt from all the smiling and your stomach was the exact same way. The laughter soon died down , but lauren continued to stare at you from across the booth you two sat at.

"What?" You asked after a moment. Lauren just smiled lightly before shaking her head and mumbling 'nothing' so light that it almost sounded breathless.

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