A Long Night

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Luke pov
Jamie made it home an hour after Jayla left. It's just me and her for tonight. I would rather be with my dad's wife Rachel. Even though I dislike her. She is less of a talker than Jamie. At least I think that, it's been five years since I the last time we meet. It was at my Bar Mitzvah. I remember it like it was yesterday. She and my mother got into it. That was the last day I saw my mother and Rachel talk. My dad wanted me to stay with him at the time, but my mother didn't agree, so instead I stayed with my grandparents because my mom was becoming sick.

"Luke, are you hungry?" Jamie asks me as she took a seat by me on the sofa. I was glad she did because I didn't want to think about my mother.

"Yeah. You want me to cook something?" I ask her because I wasn't going to.

"We can go to Steak n Shake." Jamie said, laying her head on my shoulder. "I want you to meet some of my friends." She said. I know this is a bad idea if Jamie want me to meet her friends.
"Jamie I can make my own friends. I don't need your help." I said getting upset. She always tries to do this. Make me friends with people I don't like.

"You might like this group of people." Jamie said. "And there are some cute girls. " Jamie said, smiling.
"You can have fun. I'm not going." I said, getting off the sofa and cutting the tv off to go to my bedroom.
"What about the cute girls?" Jamie scream at me.
"You can have them." I said, walking upstairs to my bedroom. I'm not worrying about Jamie and her childish games.
I hear the front door shut and lock, as soon as I got to my bedroom.
I'm now alone with nothing to do or no one to talk to. I wonder what Jayla is doing.
I need to get her off my mind. I'm telling this girl that I like her, and I know nothing about her. I am lusting all over her, but I can't stop. She is so sexy. Thinking about her is turning me on. I have to get Jayla out my mind, so I walk around the house to see how big the house really is. Walking around the house makes me want to go back to California with my grandparents. I can't believe I miss California and my old friends, it's just been three days, and I am already homesick. But my real family and friends are there, and California is all I know. I hate Mississippi, and I hate being here with my dad and his hoe ass wife.
Jayla Pov
My uncle made it home and it is now time for a family dinner. Deion and Shay are leaving tomorrow morning for college again.
"Jayla baby, will you set the table up?" Aunt Lia asks me.
"Yeah." I said, walking into the dinning room.
"Need help?"Deion said, walking in.
"Sure." I said handing him some plates. I am glad he is helping me because I am lazy and setting the table for a big family can be tiring.
"You know you are welcome into this family. " Deion said. He's the only one who know I feel like an outsider. I am the shyness one of the family, and no one seems to care about me as much as they care about each other.
"Yeah. I know, but it's just different. " I said, putting the glasses out.
" I love you Jayla. " Deion said, hugging me. Sometimes I wish Deon was my blood brother, and I had my mother back, but this is life, you can't always control life.
"I love you too Deion. " I said to him as I hugged him back.
"So are we ready to eat." Ben said, walking into the dining room and everyone else followed him, like he the leader.
"Deion will you say the prayers." Lia said as everybody took a seat at the table.
"Yeah. God, thank you for this day. Thank you for this food and thank you for this family. God continues to bless us and continue to bless this food you place on being dinner table. Amen"
"Amen." everyone else said in unison.
"So how is college. " Lia asks Deion and Shay as we begin to eat.
"It's great I love it there." Shay said smiling.
"Other than playing football and the girls. I hate it." Deion said, laughing and making me laugh also. Deon is nothing but a nut. I have no idea how he got to college.
"It gets better. " Lia said to Deon who is on the edge of dropping out.
"So Jayla what college you go to?"Shay ask me, putting me on the spot.
I really don't want to go to college. I'm thinking about the going to the military.
"I'm not going to college. " I said making everyone head turn toward me.
" Ooohhh." The twin said, starting trouble.
"So what do you plan on doing?" Lia ask me.
"She plan on going to college. " Ben said, getting angry, and talking to me.
"I plan on joining the Marines. " I said and as soon as I said that a look came on Ben face. A look as if I just said I just murdered someone. I'm joining the Marines, not the black panthers.
"You are not joining the Marines." Ben said telling me what to do, like I'm his child.
"Why not?" I ask him to get pissed.
"Because I said so and that's's final." Ben said. He didn't have a reason, he just wanted to tell me what I can and can't do.
"College not made for everybody. " Deion said, taking my side. At least someone is.
"It will be for Jayla, and that's final. Anybody who stays in my house will go to college."Ben said looking straight at me. He hasn't even gone to college, I have no idea why he acts like he did.
"Well, I didn't ask to stay here. " I said back to him. It's true, at some times I wish I stayed with my dad, and not him.
"Jayla. " Lia said, letting me know it's time to shut up.
"Well, I didn't and it's not like I am welcome in this family anyway." I said, getting up from the table and running to my room.
How dare he tell me that I have to go to college.
I just laid there on my bed with the door lock. Everyone knocked on my door beside Ben. Which means he is upset with me for no reason at all. This is my life, let me live it. I can't stand him at times, I just wish he would listen and shut up at times. He just don't understand and I hate that. He need to realize that time have changed.

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