Meet the Parents

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Jayla Pov

"I want you to meet my parents. " Luke said making me nervous. As we just laying there in his bed and watching tv.

"Wow." I said. I didn't know what to say.

"We been dating for five months now. " Luke said. "I think it time to get to know each other parents. "

"When. " I ask Luke.

"Well, we can have a family dinner after are graduation. " Luke said.

"I was going to have a graduation party. " I said. "You can come and bring your parents. "

"That not going to work. " Luke said thinking.

"How about a family dinner tonight. Jamie going to be gone so it will just be us and our parents. The twins can watch each other. " Luke said.

"Yeah that could work. " I said getting out of his bed. "What time will this dinner be? I ask Luke as I put my clothes on.

"How about 7pm. " Luke said getting out of bed naked.

"Put some clothes on. " I said.

"You wasn't saying that last night as we were pulling them off of me." Luke said giving me a kiss and headed to the shower.

"I see you at 7." I said walking downstairs and out of Luke door.

Luke pov

It 6:30pm and Rachel and my dad are downstairs cooking as I cleaning the house up and setting up the table.

"I gone." Jamie said before walking out the door. She going over her girlfriend house. Her and her boyfriend broke up, I just a side chick work out for her.

I got a text from Jayla, saying, "We will be on are way. It took awhile to get my aunt and uncle to meet you. "

I text her back before going into the kitchen to see if my dad and Rachel was ready.

"Calm down, Luke, you look like a deer in headlights. " Rachel said.

"I'm just nervous, I can't mess this up." I said pacing back and forth

"Everything will be fine. " my dad said calming me down.

Jayla Pov

It 7 and we are walking over to Luke house.

"This is a waste of my time. " uncle Ben said.

"I have to tell you guys something. " I said. "Luke is white. " I said before Mr.Adelstein open the door.

"Welcome" Mr.Adelstein said as we walk into the Adelstein's house.

"Hey nice to meet you. "aunt Lia said.

"Hey this is my Aunt Lia and Uncle Ben. " I said inducing them to Luke parents.

"I'm Shia Adelstein, this is Rachel, my wife, and my son, Luke. " Mr.Adelstein said.

"Nice meeting you guys. " Ben said.

"Jayla you look beautiful. " Luke said smiling at me.

"Let me show you to the kitchen. " Rachel said as everyone follow her.

As we sit at the table eating, things were quite.

"So Luke what you plan on doing from graduating. " uncle Ben ask Luke.

"I'm planning on going to law school." Luke said taking a bite of food.

"That good." Ben said.

"Following his father footsteps. " Rachel said.

"Did Jayla tell you what she was planning on doing after high school? "Ben ask Luke.

"No she didn't sir." Luke said looking at me.

I know what uncle Ben was doing. He thinks Luke going to talk me out of joining the Marines.

"I said I was thinking about it. " I said nothing letting Luke know about the Marines.

"Why don't you tell him anyways just in case you be ship off to Afghanistan." uncle Ben said pissing me off and getting his point a cross.

"I'm thinking about joining the Marines. " I said.

"Wow. A Marine." Mr.Adelstein said smiling at me.

"That cool. " Luke said. I could tell he really doesn't want me to go.

"Like I said, I thinking about it." I said taking other bite.

"I think that a wonderful thing to think about Mr.Adelstein said making me feel a lot more better.

"Thank you. " I said.

After Dinner Luke Pov

Jayla uncle and aunt are inside their house and Jayla and I are outside talking. "The dinner was nice." Jayla said.

"Yeah, I'm glad we didn't this. " I said putting my arms around Jayla neck."So you really thinking about joining the Marines.?" I ask Jayla.

"Yeah, and it will mean a lot if you would support me." She said looking me in my eyes. I really don't want her to join the military, but if that want she wants to do it what she wants to do.

"You know I will support you in anything and everything you do." I told her putting my hands on her waste. "I like a woman in uniform. " I said kissing Jayla. " its a turn on. " I said sticking my tongue down her throat, and rubbing my hands around her butt.

"Aye time to go home. " Ben said walking outside. " I don't want my niece pregnant. " Ben said.

"That was uncalled for. " I said as Luke walk home and as I walk into the house.

"Why you didn't tell us he was white. " Ben said.

"It doesn't matter. " I said sitting on the sofa.

"Yes it do." he said. "I don't want my niece dating a white boy. " Ben said shocking me.

"When did you become so racist." I ask him.

"When I seen my niece letting a white guy stick his tongue down her throat. " Ben said getting up and walking into his bedroom.

I can't believe he feels that way.

I went straight to my room. How could my uncle feel that way about Luke.

Luke pov

"Jayla is a nice girl. " Rachel said as she walk into the living room.

"Yeah, she is. " My dad said. "Don't mess this up again. " my dad said as he got up and walk to his room.

"I hope everything work out between you two." Rachel said following my dad to there room.

Jamie walk in as soon as dad and Rachel went to bed.

"Hey Jamie." I said as she took a sit by me.

"Hey how was the first dinner what Jayla parents? " Jamie ask.

"Great so for. They really didn't get to know me." I said.

"They will like you Luke, don't worry about it, okay. "

"Yeah. " I said back.

"Love you Big Bro." Jamie said before walking to her bedroom to go to bed.

I text Jayla before I went to bed.

Jayla Pov

I got a text from Luke before I headed for the shower. His text read: Love you baby can't wait to see you at school tomorrow.

I love Luke, he the best boyfriend ever.

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