Chapter 1

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War's P.O.V.

I was sleeping when I was awoken to my phone blaring Andy Biersack's beautiful, deep voice. When I looked at it, I noticed it was a text from Snow.

Almost at your house. You ready yet?” the text read.

Okay. And, no. You're text just woke me up. So, I'm not ready yet.” I chuckled and replied, getting out of bed and grabbing the things I would need for a shower.

Alright. Hurry and get ready, slow poke! I'm going to be there in a couple of minutes.

I quickly replied with, “Alright. I'll try to hurry.” I ran to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. After my shower, I changed into my black Black Veil Brides t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I put on my black belt, black and white checkered studded bracelet, black marble gages, and a Gandhi ring that says Nobody Can Hurt Me Without My Permission. I quickly blow-dried my hair, but I heard a key be put in the door and the door being opened before I could straighten it.

Next thing I hear is, "Honey, I'm home!" I figured it was Snow because only her and Chii are the ones I gave the house key to. But, I think, Chii said something about losing the one I gave her. And, I know what Snow’s voice sounds like.

I ran down and found Snow dressed in a different Black Veil Brides shirt than me, red skinny jeans, Black Veil Brides rosary necklace, Black Veil Brides beanie, gages, black vans, and a nose piercing. I noticed she had one of her favorite hoodies with her, it said, "I'm going to eat you!" in all capital letters, and had a picture of the Cookie Monster devouring a cookie. I laughed at it, and she gave me a questioning look. Then, I think, she realized why I was laughing because she started to laugh, too.

"Funny hoodie, do you think people will be actually scared now?" I said.

"Yup!" she said popping the p. "Come on, peasant! We have to go pick up Chii, then head over to the mall!"

When we got in the car, Snow turned up the radio, and "In the End" by Black Veil Brides was on. We both started to sing along to this song because we both love it very much. We basically love any song as long as it's good and by one of our favorite bands or singers. 

We finally got to Chii's Grandma's house after a few minutes. Normally, Chii would be at the apartment that she and Snow share, but she was at her Grandmother's house because she spent the night there to keep and eye on her Grandma. She told us that lately her grandmother has been forgetting things, like eating, using the bathroom, her own name, and where her bedroom was. Since the door was unlocked, we opened it and walked in, hoping she was ready. 

I took out my phone and texted her, “You ready? We’re inside your Grandma's house.

I felt my phone go off and saw she texted back. The text said, “Yeah. How did you guys get in?

I chuckled and replied, "You left the door unlocked. Duh."

"Oh yeah. I forgot I left the door unlocked for you guys. Oops."

"Hurry up and get down here! I want to go shopping and “scare” people already!"

Then, I heard someone running around upstairs, then down the stairs. An out of breath Chii said, "Get off your man period and let's go. I had to put my grandma in her room with some snacks and water in case she wakes up while no one's here. I was in the middle of writing a note reminding her of certain things when you texted me." She ran out to the car and noticed that Snow locked it on her while she was running up to it. Snow and I laughed, and when we got to the car, Snow unlocked it for us and we got in.

If Loving You is Wrong, I Don't want to be Right *BEING REDONE!*Where stories live. Discover now