Author's Note #1 (Important!)

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I'm starting to hate this story, well the way it's set up. It's annoying me. I try to work on it, but I just can't because of how much it annoys me. I think that I'm going to reedit it. Yes, there's still more chapters I need to edit in the first place. But, there's some chapters I can take out and move in with another one, some unimportant things I can take out completely, and there's just so much I can do to it. So, I think I might restart it. This one will stay up, but I'll start a new story for it and tell you guys when it's up so that there isn't much confusion. I'm sorry. I'm just more OCD with it than before. That's why I stopped working on it for so long. So, it might be awhile, but I'll try and get it up as soon as possible. I have two weeks until I go babysitting for about five weeks. But, my aunt said that I'll have some free time to do what I want. And, with that free time, I'll be working on my stories. Again, I'm so sorry about not updating in so long. But, soon I'll be able to update it and not be annoyed with it. I hope you guys understand. I just need to edit it entirely. But, I will be basically keeping the story order (like, the events) it the way it is. So, some chapter will be pushed together, some will be extended. I'm trying to become a better writer. So, in order to do that, I need to fix this story. Sorry for those of you who have been reading this and waiting for an update. There will soon be a new version of it up. I'll try getting it up within a week. But, July 9th, I won't be able to edit because of Warped Tour. But, any other day, I will try. I'll at least try to get up chapter one within a few days.

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