Chapter 9

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Demon's P.O.V.

“Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen played from my phone as the alarm to wake me up. 

“Ugh,” I said, slowly getting up. I got up, got in the shower, and did my usual routine. When I got out, I got dressed in a “I Heart Nerds” t-shirt, black and white checkered skinny jeans, Black Veil Brides gauges, necklace, and rubber bracelet, Riddler converse, and Black Veil Brides Rebels Baseball Varsity Jacket. After I dried and straightened my hair, I put on some eyeliner.

After I was finished, I went down stairs and grabbed Pop Tarts to eat for breakfast. After I finished eating, I looked at the time and noticed I still had half an hour left before Aviee and Zaniah got here. So, I turned on the TV, and looked through the channels. All that was on was Dora the Explorer, so I left that on.

After about a half an hour of watching TV, I heard a car horn honk twice, signaling that A and Z were here. Yay! Finally Aviee and Zaniah are here! I thought while jumping up to go to the car. Aviee and Zaniah decided to take home our car so that they could see their grandparents after work yesterday.

When I got in, Zaniah was driving. They had one of their mixed CDs playing loud enough to hear it before you even opened the door.

When we got to school, I noticed five new kids getting out of a car parked about four spaces down from us. I recognized three of them as the kids from the mall, but the other two I've never seen before in my life. They all walked inside, and, I guess, headed towards the office.

We walked in and to our lockers, and got our books that we needed for our first and second periods. We headed to our homeroom, which was also our first period class. We sat down and talked until class started. Considering the morning announcements are always boring, we normally just talk right through those.

“Did you guys see the five new kids?” I asked Aviee and Zaniah. 

“Yeah. I recognized three of them, but not the other two,” they said in unison, causing us to laugh. 

All of a sudden, the bell rang. Zaniah growled and said, “Another day in hell. Why don't we just go to jail?” Aviee and I looked at her like she was on something.

But, before we could say anything, Mrs. Thanatos, the biology teacher, said, “Alright, class. Today, we're going to…” I ended up zoning out while she was talking. 

Suddenly, the door opened, and the principal walked in with the two new kids that I saw earlier and didn't recognize. “Class, may I have your attention?” the principal said, getting the classes attention. “This is Fang Skulls," he said, pointing to the kid with his eyes showing. 

“Ello, loves” Fang said in a British accent, smiling. 

I wonder if he's really British, I thought.

“And, this is Gage Skulls,” the principal said, pointing to the kid with his eyes covered with his hair. All he did was smile a small smile and give a little wave. 

“They are twins, and they are from England,” the principal said.

“And, don't ask Gage to talk, 'cause he won't do it,” Fang said in his adorable British accent. “He's been mute for the past two years that I know of.”

Fang is freaking cute. What does the rest of Gage's face look like? I thought.

“I’ll see everyone around. Bye. Be nice to them,” the principal said as he left.

“Fang, Gage, take a seat anywhere you want that’s open,” Mrs. Thanatos said pointing to a few empty seats.

“Come on, Gage,” Fang said, pulling Gage to a seat behind me. Fang sat next to Gage, and the teacher started teaching again. I just thought about random things not paying any attention to what the teacher was saying, but then again, I don’t think many of us were paying attention. 

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