Chapter 2

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Demon's P.O.V.

I listened to Harry Styles’ amazing voice as my phone went off. I loved his voice; I could listen to it all the time. I looked at my phone and noticed it was a text from Aviee.

"Where are you? You are taking forever! Hurry up!" I chuckled at it.

Today, we're going to the mall to "scare" people. We notice that sometimes there are these three other teens, two of them that work somewhere within the mall, that try steal our favorite unpaid job. The guy and girls dress a lot like me. Aviee and Zaniah sometimes dress girly, and the three teens don’t normally do that. The guy has dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Almost there. Give me two minutes. Make sure that your sister is ready." I replied to her, pulling onto their street.

"She's ready. And, okay. But still, hurry up!" I laughed at her impenitentness. As soon as I pulled up in their driveway, Aviee and Zaniah ran out and started to fight for the front seat.

"Zaniah! Aviee! Stop fighting!" I yelled at them. I took out a quarter and asked, "Aviee, heads or tails?" 

Aviee replied, "Uhm. Tails."

"Okay," I flipped the coin, and it landed on tails. "Aviee, you get front seat on the way there. Zaniah, you get it on the way home."

"Okay," they said at the same time, getting in.

When they got in, I turned up the radio in my mustang. We sang along to the songs that came on and loved them all. When we were about a minute away, the song "Fallen Angels" by Black Veil Brides came on. After I parked, we sat in the car until the song was over. 

When we got out, Aviee said, "Let's go skip up to the store while laughing to see how many strange looks we get." 

We skipped up to the mall while laughing, and everyone started to stare at us. After we reached the front of the mall, we heard people laughing. So, we turned around to see who it was, it ended up being the three teens that are stealing our job. They were doing some kind of skip-run thing while laughing. We watched them go by, and, after about a minute, we followed through the same doors. We decided to just skip around yelling like we're completely crazy.

After about half an hour, we ended up going by Hot Topic, where one of the girls works, I think. I see them standing there talking to one of the new employees. Aviee, Zaniah, and I sat down on a bench in front of Hot Topic for about five minutes. Sometime during the five minutes, I look up and see the boy and the short girl with blonde, purple, blue, and black hair standing there looking at the shirts. I watch the boy picking out shirts, I guess he's getting some for his friends for Christmas or something because he looks as if he’s trying to hide some of the shirts from his friends.

I sat there staring at him, many questions running through my mind. I never saw him at my school, so my guess was he went to another school nearby. He was perfect. He had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, perfect skin. He looked frail, like one wrong move could break him like he was a twig. And, me, being a football player, could probably crush him in seconds if I wanted to. Yeah, I might not look strong since I don’t have huge muscles and abs, but I’m pretty strong. But, I don't think that I would ever want to crush him, so if I ever talked to him, I'd have to be sure not to hurt him. Damn. Why was this so complicated? 

All of a sudden, I feel my arms being slapped and my name being yelled at me, "Demon!" I look to see Aviee and Zaniah looking at me. 

"What was that for?" I asked them.

"It looked like you were staring at that boy that's in the group with the two girls," Aviee said, looking at me with a questioning look on her face.

If Loving You is Wrong, I Don't want to be Right *BEING REDONE!*Where stories live. Discover now