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the bell rang again.

Everyone sat down. Andrew and Gabriel scooted over to me to fill in the empty seat where Josh was.
I got my red backpack from the floor and began to look for a new spiral for class and a pen.
As I was taking the top off the pen, I heard a door open.
I looked up and saw an elder man in a sorta white lab suit. He had a clipboard with papers.

A few people said to him:
Good morning Professor

He just smiled and said hi. Then he said, "Let me call roll"
Great. I'm probably in the wrong class and he's going to find out.

"Andrew Bazzi"
"Gabriel Conte"
"Teala Dunn"
"Eva G"
"Josh Golden"
"Right here"
etc etc. You get the point.
After he was done calling roll, he asked, "Did I miss anybody?"
I didn't really wanted to raise my hand so I kept it down.
Then Gabriel raised his had, pointed to me and told the professor that he missed my name.
Damn it!
The professor came closer to me.
He didn't look happy.
He took his glasses off and looked at me.
He squinted his eyes while looking at me and asked, "And uh. . . who are you?"
"Crawford Collins"
The whole class turned around towards me.
"Yeah. That's my buddy right there, Professor," Josh said proudly.
"I see," said the professor, "well Crawford, I'm going to have to assign you with a partner for this class. And with your partner, you two will have to be working together, is that clear?"
"Yes sir."
"Okay great. Who would like to be Crawford's partner?"
Then Eva raised her hand and said, "I can be his partner"
"No, Eva. You and Josh are already partners."
"Oh," Eva said in a sad voice.
"Who does not have a partner?"
Everyone looked around until a girl raised her hand.
"Oh. Vanessa. I almost forgot you didn't have a partner."
She looked serious. But that's what makes her look gorgeous. She had long  brown, caramel hair. Her eyes were green and brown. Almost a hazel color. They shine brighter than the sun and so does her face.
"Looks like Crawford and Vanessa will be doing chemistry together" said Mr professor dude.
The whole class began to laugh except for Vanessa and Eva.
I didn't laugh either. My face was turning red and my cheeks were becoming hot. I just grind and looked down at my blank sheet of spiral notebook paper and began to write:

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