Chapter 5; Wait... Work?

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Your POV

Everybody left about 5 minutes ago. I got a job and... wait... I got a job? I got a job! Wait... this means work.... Ugghhh! I sit in my big gamer chair and get ready to record.

"Hey guys! (yt/n) here back at again with the white vans- I-I mean another video." I take a deep breath. "And, I also have news. I have been asked to join the one and only... Sky Media!! Yay!" I do jazz hands. I then start my video.

~Time Skip Brought to you by; Little Mac is da Best~

I send the video to Sarah. I then am startled by a knocking on my door. I run up to the door and peek out. It's one of he guys. Blue? No... what was it? I open the door.

"Oh, hey... you." I avoid saying the name I don't remember.

"Hey (y/n)! I figured you will need a ride to work tomorrow. And I kinda forgot my charger."

"Oh! Umm... ya, I guess I'll need a ride to figure out where it is. And, you can come on in and find your phone charger." I step to the side and open the door all the way. He steps in and goes straight to my living room, grabs a charger and walks right back to the door.


"Ya. No problem. See ya... man."

"See ya (y/n)!"

I can't believe I got away with that. I wonder if he realizes I forgot his name, or if he thinks I like using stuff like, "man." Because, I don't. I quickly get an idea, and pull up one of Adam's videos on their office channel. Red. His name is Red. I knew it was a color! I guess that makes sense since he has red hair, but so does Max. Oh well. I'll figure it out sooner or later. I plop on my couch and reach for my phone. I go into the music app and pull up my favorite playlist. 'Twenty One Pilots.' My favorite band right now. Even though it changes every month or two. Last month it was Grant Gustin. I was also obsessed The Flash. Well, still am actually. I literally cried while watching  Barry and his mom (It was sad, okay?!?!). Anyways, I was looking for a good television (I didn't feel like doing T.V. so... yeah) show. There was another knocking on my door.

"Dang, I sure am popular today!" I say to myself as I peek out. It's the other red head. Max. I open the door. "Hey Max. How's your nose?" I grin.

"Broken." Oops. I did notice it looked a little... swollen.

"Uh oh, Spaghettios." I mutter under my breath.


"Sorry, force of habit. Umm... why are you here by the way?"

"Oh um, well, I wanted to see if you knew how to get to work. And um if you need a ride." Suddenly that Ross guy is right beside him.

"And if you had a boyfriend!"

"ROSS!" Max slaps Ross and gives him a death stare. I decide to see how mug fun I can have with this.

"Umm... no I don't have a boyfri-" I'm cut off by Ross.

"Really? Great! Max would love to as-" he's cut off by Max.

"ROSS! Shut up!"

"I-I don't have a boyfriend because I'm married." It's a lie, but I like lying to people and then seeing where it goes. Max's face drops.

"Oh. Um. In that case, Ross and I better get out of here before your husband shows up." He looks nervous, yet sad.

"Oh! He's here! Let me go get him! I'll be right back. HUNNY!" I run off to the kitchen. I grab a jar of Nutella I bought this morning. "Here he is!" I yell as I hold the Nutella jar like a model. Ross laughs. Max looks relived.

"So, do you need a ride to work?"

"Um actually, Red already asked me to ride with him, but it'll be the only time. It's just so I know where the office is."

"Oh, well Ross and I better get going. He's got a lot of anime to get caught up in." He says, but I can hear him mutter under his breath "Da*mit Red." I laugh and close my door. Tomorrow will certainly be interesting.


So... I kinda forgot about the schedule... I sorry........ I will try to keep up with it, but my birthday is coming up, so I'll be busy. And also finals are coming up. BYYYYEEEEE!!

Oops; A Mithzan x Reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now