The Trunk

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Hi! My name is Stell, short for Stella. This is my diary entries starting from when me and my friends (only my friends) received, err, unnatural gifts. This is the entry that started it off, it all starts on May 17.

May 17:

"Come on guys, it's gonna be really cool" I said. "OK,*oof*, how the fudge do you fit so much stuff in here!" said Izzy, short for Isabella, whilst trying to get up from tripping on yet another massive pile of junk."By now you should know , after being my friend for about five years, that I am both a hoarder and a crammer."(which I am)."Well, still, it wouldn't hurt to put SOME of your stuff in a drawer, or something!" Said Mal, short for Marina, after trying to jump over pile of junk, unsuccessfully, and sprawling more junk in the process. "AIN-NOBODA-GOT-TIME-FO-DAT" I yelled, swiftly dodging piles of junk all the way to my closet, where the hatch to the attic was. Meanwhile Fern, she hates nick names, so we didn't give her one,Sunny, her real name is June, but we nick named her because of her personality,Dixie, there was no other way the shorten her name besides a name that sounded very inappropriate, Mal, and Izzy were still tripping and stumbling over massive piles of junk."OK, if we don't get lost and die of hunger and thirst, PLEASE, I BEG of you!CLEAN.YOUR.ROOM! Said Fern."Ok,Ok, fine, but is it really that messy?" I said."YES" said everyone in unison. About five minutes ,and a lot of tripping, later. They made it to my side of the room. "Ok, finally, come on up!" I said. Everyone climbed the ladder up to the attic."SURPRISE!"I yelled,"Welcome to our new hangout spot! My mom said since the ladder to it is in my room and my room is so messy, she agreed to give me some old furniture, move it up here, and my,ugh, siblings, aren't allowed in here!" I said. The attic had a large window on the back wall with a wooden floor. There was no air conditioning, but there was a small fan whirring in the corner of the room. There was a leather sofa with a lilac rug in front of it and a coffee table. In the corner there was a long table with six chairs. There were boxes of decorations in the corner and a large trunk. "Wow, this is, actually, really good!" Said Izzy. "Yeah, this is perfect! But if we hang out her, promise me one thing." Said Fern. "What?" I asked. "Keep the mess to your room, PLEASE.", everyone nodded in unison, Izzy even said "Yes, PLEASE!"."Ok, ok, I will, but first, LETS DECORATE! I even have some old paintings in there, and you guys know how good I am at painting, and a mini fridge and water cooler!". So, about 2 hours later, every box was opened, except a large trunk. The ceiling was littered with a rainbow of paper chains and posters of Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, 5 seconds of summer, DNCE, twenty one pilots, MCR, Panic! At the disco, Undertale, anime, and other books and bands. On the walls there was a large thumbtack board with the school schedule, homework for that week, and my idea, a paper with our names signed. The rest of the wall was taken up by my many, many paintings. My laptop was charging on the long table, and we had each written our names on our own chair. One corner was taken up by the mini fridge, stuffed with snacks (personally given from my secret stash) and the mini cooler, filled with soda (also provided by me).In another corner was my iPod, blasting out my favorite music from its speakers. The coffee table in front of the sofa had a vase on it, which I filled with paper flowers. And Izzy had gone to her house and brought back about fifty million old books with her to put in the used-to-be-empty, bookshelf. The window was decorated with decorative gel. It was the perfect hangout spot."Ok, so now all we have to do is open that trunk" I said. When I opened it, there was a variety of old clothing, or rather costumes, they were very colorful, an old photo of six girls, and a book resting on top of the other contents called The Elementals."OOH! I just LOVE a good book, GIMME!" Said Izzy, but before she snatched it away I grabbed it from the chest."NO WAY! I only have, like, five books left, all of my books are buried under my stuff, now let's see here.", I opened the book. It immediately started glowing red, than green, than blue, than yellow, light blue, and then it stayed pure white until a huge woman who seemed to be made of light, shot out of the book.

Ha, I'm gunna leave u on a cliff hanger, chill, the next chapter will be up super soon.

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