Suna no mura

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We had to patrol the borders a few times, but we found a spot where there were no guards in sight, and that was a tough job. There were guards EVERYWHERE. The guards were also monsters. They looked like corrupted Egyptian gods, I wouldn't want to go against them. The village was built on a desert of fiery red sand and orange skies. Once we found the spot, Sunny got us over with a huge gust of wind, pushing us over the fence and dropping us on the other side, landing smoothly, well, most of us STELL LANDED HEAD FIRST IN THE SAND LIKE AN OSTRICH ,GIVE MY JOURNAL BACK ISA, anyways once we got into town, it looked like much more than a town built with red bricks. The towns people looked devastated, each with baggy eyes and droopy mouth. There were vendors on the street, they looked like people but they had some sort of Sphinx mask on with glowing emerald eyes, selling what looked to be rotten food and raggedy clothes for prices that were complete rip offs. But Tammie was right, we got quite a lot of stares. We found a secluded alley way and pulled out Tammie's locket. She emerged and looked around. "Ok, here's the plan," she started ", I'm going to guide you towards a secret base of rebel mage's and humans who have magic objects for sale and will pawn for those monster parts." "Wait, how are you going to guide us?" Asked Sunny "Don't you think a floating light girl leading us will look a bit suspicious." Everyone looked at Tammie, she had a point. Reacting, Tammie shrunk down to the size of a nail and sat upon my shoulder, shrouded by hair. "I'm made of light, I can alter my form ANY way I want." She answered. Taking that as our cue, we walked back on to the street."Turn Right." Started Tammie, as I walked down the right street. She continued telling me directions for a good fifteen minutes, until we got to a sketchy part of town and approached a broken down building."Knock on the door." She told us. I knocked once, there was no response. I knocked again except this time I knocked three times. The door opened a crack and I saw half the face of a old man who was bald but had a moustache and beard as white as snow. He had deep wrinkles and had his eyes squinted so tightly they appeared to be closed. "Yes?" He asked in a crotchety, typical-old-man voice. Tammie moved my hair out of her way, making her visible, and replied "Elemental." The old man's eyes widened, they were baby blues, similar to my own."Ah, I see, come in, come in." He replied with a smile on his face. He opened the rest of the door, which revealed him to be very short, and have raggedy clothes. His "house" was a single small room, which consisted of a mat on the floor for sleeping, and a chair."I haven't had visitors in a while." He said, walking over to the mat and yanking it off the floor, revealing a wooden hatch. He opened it, inside were some stairs. He gestured for us to come. We weren't sure whether to trust him or not."Go!" Replied Tammie, so we shuffled our way to the stairs. "Ladies first," he said, so he stepped down. Once we were all down he came in and pulled the mat over the hatch and closed it. It was very dark, but we walked down what seemed like a mile, when finally they came to a door with light seeping through the cracks. The old man nudged us aside and opened the door.

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