The Keeper of Elements

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A huge woman who seemed to be made of light rose out of the book. Her torso was sticking out of the book so that her legs were seemingly stuck in the floor. Her body and hair was white, but her eyes were whiter. The woman had six arms. In each arms, she held a white orb with a different object in it. A flame in one, a white gust of wind, a single drop of water, a spark of electricity,A leaf, and in the last arm, which there was no orb, dangled a locket with a design of each of the elements circling what seemed to be a blank orb."I am the keeper of the elements." spoke the woman in a strong, deep voice. The orbs shot out a ray of different colored light. Izzy got shot with the green one,Mal the red one, sunny the light blue one, Dixie the yellow one, and fern the blue one. As I waited for myself to be shot, I waited, eyes closed, waiting to feel either great pain, or a tingling sensation. Neither happened. When I opened my eyes I saw that everyone (except me) had taken on a completely different appearance. Izzy had a dress of red roses, which grew through her hair, making red roses pop out of her hair, and the most dramatic change was that her hair was green. Mal's hair had turned to fire. She had a strap dress made of fire. Fern had water flowing down from what used to be her hair and also had a long sleeved dress made of water, yet, it wasn't transparent, it changed from deep sea blue, to an aqua-ish color. Dixie had short, spiky, yellow hair which glowed. She a short strapless dress which also glowed, but seemed to buzz. Sunny had a long tank top dress which was a stormy light blue. It seemed to naturally flow with some breeze that no one could feel. Her hair was long and put in a pony tail. It also seemed to flow in the wind. When I got over the awe of their appearances. I saw that a column of fire had shot out of Mals hand. With a look of shock on Mals face, the column of fire burned the ceiling, while water spurted out of Ferns hand, making the fire stop a little bit, but mostly making steam.Meanwhile, Izzys eyes were glowing green and leaves were (trying) to fix the hole in the roof." You have now received your new elemental powers" said the Keeper. In my head I was thinking, "some birthday gift." (Yes it was my birthday) but I accidentally said it out loud."Ah, yes, about you, your great great great grandmother and her friends were one of the best Elementals teams we ever had." Said the keeper."Elementals, what are they?" I asked, but now I realize it was kind of obvious."What your friends became and what you will become, if your complete a quest to test your bravery, honesty, kindness, enthusiasm, generosity, and the last one, determination, it's master has never been discovered. But you have the opportunity to discover it." Said the keeper. "Here." She said. "She will be your guide on your journey.", "But..." I said, but she vanished back into the locket."WHATS WITH THE UNDERTALE THEMED QUESTS!" I finished

SO sorry for not posting, I have been REALLY busy.

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