The Corruption

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May 18:
Well, the night went smoother than we thought. For breakfast we had Oreos and sun chips. We dedicated the rest of that day to exploring, trying to find a village of some sort. After about an hour of hiking we found the corruption, very different from the land we first saw. All the grass looked sick and the ones that didn't were dead. Any trees there were had no leaves and were rotting. Monsters there thrived. The monster we had fought the day before seemed like only a foot soldier compared to these, also the monster we fought was apparently VERY rare.The monsters came in all shapes and sizes, the smaller ones were actually the hardest because they were harder to hit, more nimble, and HuNGrIeR. There are a few I can remember vividly. Like there was some sort of bunny-looking thing that only had a few patches of fur and only had one huge mouth. They traveled in packs and were especially difficult to hit. There were demon like monsters with spindly limbs that hung down as it was floating a couple inches off the ground and spazzed. It had two holes where eyes should have gone and a mouth that hung all the way down to its stomach, as if it had no jaws at all, it could have stepped out of a horror movie. These were very easy to kill since they were very slow, but still creeped me out, I would NOT want to see them at night. Around noon we stopped for lunch, which was chicken nugget lunchables. "How many more monsters do we have to kill!" Exclaimed sunny sounding exasperated. "Also, we've been trekking for half a day," Dixie added ", when are we going to get to this so-called village." I'm sure we'll get there soon enough, right Tammie?" Asked Izzy, not sounding very sure of herself." Well, according to my map, we should reach one in about ten miles, which compared to how far you guys have walked, will be a breeze." Said Tammie who was floating above the little circle we made, picking at her nails. "YES!" Cried out Fern, with all the joy she could muster, none of us were in a good mood after today's hike." I also should warn you, you guys do NOT blend in, I do have some normal clothes I could lend you, but your hair is going to be very hard to hide. The villages are heavily guarded, remember what I said about being ruled under an iron-fist, and the people are the 6 mage's slaves. The first village we come across will be part of a group of villages all built to form a circle, in the middle of that circle the first Mage you have to get by, the Mage in charge of bravery, will live in a castle made of red sandstone blocks. Before you face him, you all have to gear up. Like I said, those monster parts you collected yesterday are VERY expensive, so you'll make enough money to get each of you magic enhancement charms. As for you, Stell, we'll get you a better suit of armor and weapon." She said, pointing at my rusted armor and dull axe. "In this village, we have friends in low places, who will help us with supplies and getting these guts sold." She added. "Who's ready!" Asked Fern when she finished. "meee...." Groaned Dixie as she finished her food, as we soon all did, and began to hike once again. It took awhile, but we soon made it to a village made entirely of sandstone, Suna no mura, village of sand.

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