The Decision

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At that point, we had to make a decision, we couldn't show ourselves to anyone in this state, so I turned to my friends, "Well," I said ", What are we going to do?". "Stell, as much as I'd "LOVE" to trust you with powers as unstable as these," said Izzy ",I don't think we'd even be able to do this, didn't you hear Tammie? People have DIED on this mission, no one has EVER made it all the way!" "Plus," Mal continued "If we do survive, no one has ever discovered determination, what if it's some deadly, uncontrollable power and it's not the whimsical power we think it is.". "Well," I stated ", First of all, are you guys seriously about to walk out in this condition?! Second of all, maybe this journey can help you guys have more control over your powers, and third, we have an advantage, from what I've gathered, all of the other Elementals were adults, we have a different mind, the mind of a kid."."You made some really good points ther-," said Sunny, until I interrupted with "Also ITS MY BIRTHDAY AND YOU GUYS GET COOL SUPER POWERS AND I DONT!" I said pouting like a three year old, exactly the opposite of the cool, calm , composed Stell giving the Pros of this adventure. ",I think maybe, we should do this," said Fern ",we have a chance at doing something special, we shouldn't throw this opportunity away, whoever is with me, raise your hand!" Everyone except Dixie and Izzy raised their hand until I said
" It'll have magic," and then Izzy raised her hand immediately. "It's settled, the majority wins, I'm summoning Tammie." I said as my hand reached for the locket. No one interfered

I know, I haven't posted anything in over a year, but Fandom queen keeps asking me to continue so here's part 4

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