The Underground

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Shawns house was very neat and organized, unlike the shop. It had a cozy atmosphere, with the big chairs, the fireplace, and whatnot, it was like a grandmas house. Just as we walked in I noticed an elderly lady sitting in one of the chairs. Her red, curly hair had been tucked into a bun, her face was creased with wrinkles and she had wise, sapphire eyes, and she wore a light blue night gown. "Shawn, my boy, you brought guests!" She said in a sweet, creaky voice with the same accent as Shawn's. "Yes I did gramma!" He replied sweetly. "Oh how wonderful!" Exclaimed gramma. She got out of her chair and began to shuffle towards us. "Guests!" Exclaimed a head that popped out of the corner of the hallway. "Papa!" Yelled Shawn. He was fat with rosy cheeks, a thick red beard, and a bald head. He ran over to hug his son and greet us. A  plump lady with brown curly hair walked out. As all of Shawns family greeted us, Tammie popped out. Everyone gasped. Then, dead silence, which gramma broke. "Well I assume you'll need rooms for the night." Stated gramma as she gestured for us to follow her. She showed us a small room with tall bunk beds. Dixie thanked her, and gramma left the room telling us she would make cookies. We waited there until they called us down for dinner. It was a delicious dinner of meat and potatoes. Eventually, we started talking and we learned more about the underground, that's what it's called. It's a city of rebels against the dark wizards, specifically the wizard of bravery. There places like this in every wizards domain. They stole food and resources from above, and they aided the Elementals anytime they came around. The Pomocs (Shawns family) is wonderful, and I love gramma, she's sweet and makes good cookies. She tells awesome stories about her monster filled childhood, and how she used to be a rebellious child. She's still a sassy old broad in my eyes. Papa's very kind. He's an excellent cook along with Mam, the lady with brown hair. They're both such a loving couple, like second parents to me. They were all so kind to us, I just hope we don't fail their expectations. We went to bed after a filling dinner.
May 19 (I guess???)
We had an equally delicious breakfast and went out into town to buy stuff with the money we got. We split it equally and thanked The Pomocs for letting us stay. They said we were welcome to stay again tonight if we wanted. We said if we needed anything, we'd be sure to ask. We went off and bought only necessities...... Yeah I'm a bad liar. We got a "few" souvenirs. Despite all of them being trapped underground, everyone was so kind. We didn't need to buy more food, the Pomocs had already taken care of that. We bought some better clothes, with cloaks and hats to cover my friends colorful hair. We got charms to enhance our- err, their magic. I refused to give up my cool armor, so we got it polished and fixed. Sharpened my axe to. Some people even knew Tammie, so they gave us free stuff for our journey. We decided to save the rest of our money. As we asked for directions to an inn, I noticed a small, pale boy with pale blonde hair and frosted tips run by us with a frightened look on his face. As he ran by us, we noticed two other kids, a boy and a girl, both with mean looks on their faces. I decided to stray from the group and see what happened. I chased them down an alley and watched  the scene unfold. The boy pushed the kid down and punched him. This boy looked a bit older, but much older than the boy. He had a muscular build, unlike this scrawny 10 year old. "Cmon, lets see how your magic does against this." He said kicking his stomach. "Your kind shouldn't even exist, it's what got us into this mess in the first place." Said the boy,  the girl looked and laughed. "Pl-Please Uther, sto-" said the boy as Uther punched his jaw. I had no armor on, but at that second I rushed in and punched Uther's back at medium force, but hard enough to hurt. He fell onto the ground with a thud. "Leave him alone." I said to him. The girls eyes widened and her eyebrows raised. Uther stood up. "You wanna fight." He said. I silently went to go help the boy up. "ARE YOU IGNORING ME!" Screamed Uther. He rushed towards me, ready to punch me full force in the head. "FIGHT ME YOU BI-!" He fumed before I swiftly turned around and blocked his punch. I swiftly kicked his legs, knocking him to the ground and kicked his crotch. As I stood over him, my friends turned the corner and all they saw was me standing over Uther, and the poor boy, injured and whimpering and hurt in the alley. "STELL WHAT DID YOU DO!" Screamed Izzy. As the rest of them helped both boys to their feet. Uther smacked their hands off, than got Mal's death glare and scattered along with the girl. "Y-you saved me." Whimpered the boy. "You saved him?" Asked Sunny. "Um yeah,  I don't go around punching people for fun." I said, which Izzy raised an eyebrow to. "Most of the time..." I replied. "Well, what did she save you from?" Asked Dixie. At first he hesitated, but then again, I saved his butt, so he obliged. " They beat me up almost everyday." He said, pointing to previous bruises and wounds. "Why?" Asked Mal. He stayed silent. "I have magic..." He said, summoning a bit of snow from his hands. "Pfft, that's it!" Yelled Fern. "Dunno if you noticed, but all of us, err, almost all of us have magic." Said Mal, each summoning a demonstration. The little boy gasped. "Anyways, I saved your butt, and I still don't know your name." Said Stell "Eliot, my name is Eliot." He said.

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