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The locket lay still on the floor while all around, we were trying to process what had just happened."Well" I said "I guess we should open it" I reached down and clicked open the tiny clasp holding it closed. Another ray of light shot out of it, but this one was an aqua color. In my head I was thinking "Oh God, not again" and "Can I have my frickin power now!," at the same time, except I didn't say frickin. As the aqua light took form, a girl formed, just about my age, she stepped out of the object she was in, unlike the keeper. She was lanky and skinny. She had cute nerdy thick frame glasses, she had big, curly hair that was cut short. She was wearing a shirt and a skirt and what looked like converses. This look made her look geeky and cute at the same time, I loved it."Hi!" She finally said."My name is Tammie, and I'll be your guide and friend on your journey!" She talked in a sweet, middle-pitched voice.I already liked her."Err, what journey?" I finally said. "And why do we have these powers" spoke Izzy from behind me."Oh, my mom didn't explain mu-", she was interrupted by Dixie from behind me "Wait how is she your mom, how does light give birth?", "Actually, that is a very interesting question." Said Tammie "Well, a couple of hundred years ago, my mom met a group of boys, they became the, I think, the tenth group of elementals. The one who had to unlock their power, like you, was very handsome, and my mother fell in love with him. Soon, during their adventure they started dating, and soon on their first kiss, my mom became a human being. When a light being feels a strong emotion of passion, happiness, or hatred, they become solid. They soon got married and had me. But the man never completed the journey before he died by saving my mother from a horrible beast. She became devastated and became light again, and so did I, but since I was solid when I was born, I can get human illnesses and disabilities, like my sight."she said pointing at her glasses,"So yeah, that's the story."Tammie said finishing the story. Around the room, some people had tears glittering in their eyes, while Dixie was bursting into tears, but inside, we were all silently sobbing of sympathy for The Keeper."But now onto the adventure part!" She said, rather to cheerfully. "So, you will go on an adventure to discover the powers of patience, bravery, perseverance, kindness, justice, and most importantly, one that has never been reached, determination. If you choose to go on this journey, tell me, and I'll unlock its path, if not, well, nothing, you don't get a power." She said, right before vanishing back into the locket.

Hey guys! Hope you like this new chapter (P.S, private shoutout, Sera, this is your character) hope u guys ha a good Friday tomorrow, ILYSM!

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