The journey begins

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I opened the clasp of the locket and the same aqua light shone through. "Back so soon?" Tammie asked giggling. Well, I'm assuming you want to start your journey, but before we go, let me explain a bit more about where we're going." At that moment she pointed at "The Elementals book" and a beam of light raced from her fingers towards it and levitated it towards her. She turned to the beginning of the book."Let's begin, shall we. The land we are going to is called Shiwasena tochi, Happy Land, and the name explains the past. It is a beautiful land filled with majestic creatures, breath taking nature, and wonderful people, well at least, most of them. A long time ago there was a mage , his name is forbidden. He was a kind young man, always helping with his magic, but one thing always taunted him. He wanted to know what it felt like to use dark magic. He knew that the past use of dark magic led to ghastly things, but after 15 years of being a mage he couldn't stand it anymore. He only did one thing, a small thing, just to sooth his need, a small wilting spell which he used on a patch of flowers. It may have been small, but the evil of killing a living thing with this kind of magic, reacted with his soul like a drug, and he wanted more. He kept using greater amounts, love potions, plague spells, even death spells. He soon was controlled by it, but he wanted more. No one had caught on his use of dark magic, so using more was very easy to do. Users of dark magic know that the reason it's so deadly and hard to use is because the energy of black magic comes from another dimension, and the only reason it exists in their dimension is because the two dimensions were made in very close time periods. So the Mage wanted to unlock the ultimate dark magic. He would make a portal to that dimension and harvest its magic. It took him years to gather all the ingredients and months to make it. On the final day of preparation, as he was channeling in the last of his dark magic a pound came from the door. And then another, and another, when suddenly the door was blown of its hinges. In the door way he saw all the villagers holding a battering ram and weapons, with furious looking faces. He assumed they caught on. But the scare from it channeled more dark magic into the portal than needed, and it disturbed the pattern. This caused the portal to not only let out magic, but it's creatures to. Hideous creatures leapt out of the portal and a corruption spread. The villagers ran, but not fast enough. They were all slaughtered, along with the Mage. The news spread quick, very quick. 6 mages gathered to solve the problem, but getting to the portal was to big of a task for any mage, so instead they created The Keeper from the soul of one of the dead villagers and secured her with 5 souls, each soul contained one of the 5 elements. 5 of the mages died the second they sealed their soul. The last Mage explained to The Keeper that her job was to come to this dimension since it was uncorrupted, and find a team of people that would be strong enough to face the dangers of the portal." Tammie closed the book and looked at us with serious expressions." There's one thing the book didn't tell you" she started "Bravery, honesty, kindness, enthusiasm, generosity, and the last one, determination, as you know are the traits that you must find and gain. The way you gain these traits is by defeating 5 wizards. The book didn't say, but 5 mages also escaped from the portal and began to rule the land with an iron fist, with the Mage in charge of determination as their leader. So, now that that's out of the way, are you ready." There were nervous faces around the room, but they all turned into brave ones and nodded."Ok," said Tammie", Here we go"! Tammie opened the book again and it let out a multitude of colors which fused into a portal, each of us stepped inside.

The Elementalsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें