Chapter 9

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I don't what I should think about last night. Should I be worried about kissing a ghost? Feeling kinda pedophile. This whole thing seems so unrealistic, I mean come on. Maybe that's all a creation of my sick crazy mind. Hm. But if it is, I would never find out. Crazy shit.

Sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast with my family and everybody's talking. Except me. As always, actually. My dad and my brother leave the room and my mum sits down next to me. Seems like she wants to talk about something serious. Sigh.

"Your brother told me at night you're always talking to somebody. Do you like to talk about something? I know it must be hard to go to a new school knowing nobody and-.."

"Mum I'm totally fine, you don't need to worry about me. Just chatting with my old friends."

"At midnight?"

Seems like she doesn't believe me. Wondering why. Haha.

"..they live in a different time zone. And now just let me finish eating, need to catch the school bus."

Beeing happy about leaving the house I noticed that I completely forgot that I hate school, so why did I want to be on time ?
Others must think I'm totally lonely, sitting in school all by myself but actually it's wonderful. You don't need to listen to those "best friends" and be like "Oh no, your boyfriend cheated on you for the fifth time ? Poor thing, but I bet he still loves you because you're the most beautiful girl in the world. Bla bla bla"
Ain't nobody got time for that shit. Got my own problems.

I thought about him the whole day, and it kinda feels like he's watching all the time. But that must be really boring haha.
I hope I don't need to watch one of those movies today. I'm way too tired and need my sleep. How wonderful it would be if Milo was here. Need somebody for cuddling. Was that really me thinking that? Gosh, I'm going insane.
Sun goes down, he has to be here soon.

"You're looking like you had a rough day my angel", Milo says. A nice way to say that I'm looking fucked up.
I hug him and feel automatically better. He looks down at me and smirks.
"No please, no movie tonight. I'm begging you!"

"Don't worry babe. We're going to do something else tonight..", Milo whispers.

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