Chapter 11

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I wake up and it feels like the last night was just a dream. But I'm so happy it wasn't. This boy could do anything to me or with me and I would be totally amazed. His lips felt so soft and the way he touched me was so... Okay I have to stop thinking about him. I'll already see him again in a few hours, hopefully this night is going to be as beautiful as the last one.

It's a sunny friday afternoon and I'm just waiting for the bell to ring. My grades are getting worse. Wondering why haha. I don't care because I know that my future is Milo and not a university. If my parents would know that, they weren't that angry. While looking around I notice no boy in school is as hot as Milo, although they're way older. Milo acts so mature and dominant. The other boys just act like weirdos or male prostitutes. I'm thanking god everyday for giving me Milo although I think it wasn't gods decision at all.

It's midnight and I already know what is going to happen by the way he looks at me. My dirty mind wished for something else then those disgusting movies.

"No movie tonight babe. But also not what you'd like to do. Not now."

He takes my hand softly and we walk outside the house. I kinda have a bad feeling that this is going to be even worse than any movie he could show me. At least he acts like that. We're standing in front of the church, it's really dark and I shutter.

"What are we doing here?", I asked.

"I'll show you the church and tell you some stories about my past. That will be a good preparation for the last movie", he said while smirking evilly.

"I'm so happy that there's just one left, but.. can't we just go upstairs and make out.. or something?", I laughed.

"I really don't want to destroy your dreams but there are more than one left. The last one is just the most terrifying. I mean, that's logical because I made that movie."

No way. Definitely not. I won't go into that damn church and I am not going to watch that fucking film. NO. NEVER.

Five minutes later we sit on the floor, right in the middle of the church. Why do I do that. Why do I love that guy. Damn.
He shows me around and I'm not feeling well at all. Don't know if it's just my imagination, but it smells like burned flesh in here. And blood.
The old wooden floor makes loud noises while going around. It's so creepy. Milo acts so creepy. He's smirking all the time and I can't imagine what's so funny to make him smirk like that.

"Let's sit down again babe. I have to tell you a story."

I take a deep breath and listen to him. He's telling me about his family, about the other ghost kids, about Bughuul. About the murder in this church. Right here his whole family was killed by this freaking hot boy. Maybe freaking insane would fit better.

After going back upstairs, I just wanted to sleep. Now I'm in my bed, not sleepy at all.

"Sweet dreams, my angel", he whispers and kisses my forehead.

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