Chatper 8 - Lucy's Apartment

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Galaxy and lucy walked in silence to lucy's apartment. Of course galaxy didn't have a place since he just ran away from home two days ago. Lucy took a galance at galaxy. He just walked with a smile on his face. Why was he always happy lucy thought to herself. She shrugged it off and continued on but notice that they were already at her apartment. "This is it, lets go in" lucy stated then walked in. Galaxy noded then followed. Lucy unlocked her door then the two went in. "I'll go get a blanket and pillow" she said then walked into the other room. Galaxy took a look around and noticed a lot of books. He walked to lucy's desk and noticed a golden key. "Galaxy?". Galaxy quickly turned around and lucy stood there with a blanket and pillow in her arms. "Sorry" galaxy apologized. "It's alright" she assured then sat blanket and pillow on the couch. "Um, lucy" galaxy said. "Yes" she answered while turning to him. "Why is that golden key broken" he asked. "Oh, that's aquarius key" she said. Galaxy looked at it confused. "She risked her life for me" lucy said sadly. Galaxy noded then sat on the couch. "Well make yourself at home" lucy said then walked off. Galaxy sighed then layed his face on the pillow. "Open Gate Of The Nikora: Nico" galaxy said. A light appeared then vanished and a nikora stood in its place. "Ni ni" nico said. Galaxy smiled then picked him up. "Nico, I don't think we'll fit in here" galaxy said in a sad tone. "Ni ni ni" nico said. Galaxy patted his head then layed him on the pillow. The two then drifted asleep.

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