Chapter 10 - Fairy Tail's Newest Member

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Lucy and galaxy pushed the guilds doors open and quickly ran to levy, the book worm. Galaxy sat the egg down on the table catching levys attention. "Whats that" she asked. "That's what we were going to ask you" lucy chimed in. Levy put her book down then inspected the egg. "It seems so familiar" she said now in deep thought. "HEY EVERYONE". Lucy and galaxy of course turned to the loud voice. And as always it was the fire dragon slayer, natsu. "Keep it down will ya pyro" gray said annoyed. Natsu glared at gray and a fight broke out. Lucy sighed then turned back to levy. "So do you know what it is" galaxy asked with excitement in his voice. "Telling by the marks its a exceed egg" levy said. Lucy looked at her shocked. "An exceed egg" lucy said with shock in her voice. Natsu heard this and came running to the table with happy behind him. "AN EXCEED EGG" happy yelled. This caught the attention of others including wendy, carla, gajeel and pantherlily. "What's going on" wendy asked. "Lucy and galaxy found a exceed egg" happy sang. "Well it isn't uncommon" carla said then crossed her arms. "Remember all of exceeds came to earthland" she continued. The others noded remembering what happened in edolas. "Can i take care of it" galaxy asked. Lucy looked at the others. "Well you did find him or her so i guess" lucy said. Galaxy smiled then hugged the egg. "Galaxy". Galaxy turned and erza stood towering over him again. Galaxy smiled at her. "Yes" he said. "Since you've been here for a week how about we make it official" erza said with a smile. Galaxy looked at her confused. "What do you mean" he asked. "Join fairy tail" she said. Galaxy looked at her with shock deep in his eyes. He had never joined a guuld before but he really wanted to join. But what would his mom think. Thought filled galaxy's mind as he tried to come to a conclusion. "Do it". Galaxy down and his keys glowed a little. Galaxy smiled then noded. "I'll join" he agreed. "Lets get you your mark then" erza said then walked to master. Galaxy followed her then stopped as the master looked at him. "So you want to join" master asked. Galaxy gave a quick nod. Master smiled then motioned to mira. Mira walked over with a stamp and tray with many colors. "What color would you like" mira asked kindly. Galaxy smiled. "Yellow" galaxy said then held his arm out. Mira stamped his arm then smiled. "WELCOME FAIRY TAIL'S NEWEST MEMBER" master yelled. The guild erupted in cheers and a party started. Galaxy smiled as tear's appeared in his eyes. He realized he had a new home.

a celeѕтιal wιzard - вooĸ 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora