Chapter 19 - The End

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Normal Pov

The now summoned angel's destroyed everything in their path. Building were crushed and many people were injured. Galaxy stood atop of the tallest building in magnolia staring down at the chaos with the sleepy exceed in his arms. "Nii-san" the sleeping exceed mumbled. Galaxy took a quick glance at him but just turned back to the mayhem that was happening before him. He watched as the fairy tail members struggled. A smile appeared on his face as they were thrown back by the hammer angel. "This is the end of fairy tail".

Lucy's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes then sat up from the bed. What happened. In an instant the memories came rushing back into me. I grabbed my keys then ran out of the infirmary. Half of the guild was destroyed. Members were on the ground. Some of them injurged, some helping the injured. I shook my head then ran outside. It was chaos. Buildings were burning and people were screaming. "Luce". I looked down and natsu was on the ground along with wendy, gray, erza, yukino and the exceeds. I quickly ran to them the kneeled down. "Oh, no" i said in shock. Tears started to form in my eyes. "Guys" i cried a little. "Please, stop him" natsu said then fainted, i hope. I stood up then pulled out my whip. "I'm gonna end this".

Normal Pov

Galaxy laughed and laughed until he heard a voice. He looked down and saw the celestial blonde with determination on her face. He smiled but was pulled down and crashed into the ground but luckily protecting the exceed in progress. He layer the exceed on the ground then glared at lucy. "You can't stop me lucy-nee" he giggled. Lucy glared then ran towards him. He smirked then sent beam of lights at her. "OPEN GATE OF THE LION, LOKE" lucy yelled. Loke appeared beside her reflecting the beams back at galaxy. Galaxy motioned his hand and the beams vanished. "ZODIAC". Galaxy looked up noticing lucy's spirits around him including yukino's. He smirked then reached for his keys but realized they weren't there. "Looking for these" loke taunted as he swang galaxy's keys back and forth. Galaxy glared at him then ran towards him. Libra altered the balance resulting in galaxy being slammed into the ground. "GO VIRGO" lucy yelled. Virgo erupted from the ground below galaxy, kicking him in the air. "This is my final chance" lucy said. She joined hands with gemini who was now a clone of her joined hands and cast her spell. "URANO METRIA" she screamed. Planets and stars appeared around galaxy and lucy's attack hit. Lucy stared hoping the attack would finish him off. The dust cleared and a badly injured galaxy layed on the ground. Lucy sighed in relief then smiled at her spirits plus yukino's as they disappeared. Lucy slowly walked to the now crying galaxy. "I'm so sorry" he cried. Lucy knelt down then smiled. "I'm glad your back" she said. More and more tears rolled down galaxy's face. "Goodbye, lucy-nee" he said. Lucy looked at him confused then noticed his body was vanishing. "No, no" lucy said as she hugged him. Galaxy's body completely vanished. "GALAXY".

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