Chapter 18 - Destruction

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Normal Pov

"Let's end this" galaxy smiled as he stepped over the black star members. "FIRE DRAGON ROAR" natsu yelled. His attacked headed straight towards galaxy at high speed. Galaxy smirked then waved his hand. Natsu's roar vanished in an instant. "How" wendy gasped in shock. "OPEN GATE OF THE FISH, PISCES". Pisces appeared in their human forms ready to fight. "He he" galaxy giggled. Pisces took off attacking galaxy with everything they had. Galaxy just dodged over and over again with ease. "GO". Pisces jumped out of the way and the fairy tail members went all out, using their most powerful attacks. Galaxy just stood their in shock and took the attacks head on. Dust filled the area around now covering him. "Did we get him" some members asked. The dust finally cleared and revealed a beaten up galaxy on the floor. Galaxy slowly got up glaring at them. "I'LL DESTROY YOU ALL" he screamed. He slowly raised a white key then gave the group a dark smile. "Open Gate Of The Angels". A white light shined brightly blinding many of the fairy tail members. The light then vanished and revealed four angel's angel once summoned in her battle with gray. "Angel magic" gray recognized. Galaxy laughed wickedly. "DESTROY THEM". The angel's eyes glowed red then they attacked. Chaos was now realised within the fairy tail guild. "Let the true battle begin".

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