Author's Note

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Hey guys! I know you might want to read already but just read this. These are the children from the future's names, age, personality, looks & their parents:

Robin & Zatanna: ( CHALANT! )

Zachary Giovanni Grayson
Shy & a bit clumsy
He has black hair & Zatanna's eyes (both Dick & Zatanna have blue eyes & black hair so I'll say whose kind of eyes)
Hero Name: Zatara
He is the only one who inherited Zatanna's powers
Nickname: Zach or Zat when in the field

Liliana Mary & Jake John Grayson (twins)
16, Liliana is older than Jake by 3 minutes
Outgoing, Pranksters & can't go by a day without butchering the English Language
Black hair & Zatanna' eyes
Hero Names: Chaos (Liliana) & Mischief (Jake) or the Terror Twins
Nickname: Lana(Liliana)

Jason Bruce Grayson
Cheerful, likes to annoy Damian like their namesakes & has the 2nd best puppy dog eyes, happy-go-lucky
Black hair & Dick's eyes
Hero Name: Robin
Nickname: Jay or Jay Bird

Damian Timothy Grayson
Shy but energetic once he trusts you, cheerful, likes to annoy Jason too, genius hacker, has the best puppy dog eyes
Black hair & Dick's eyes
Hero Name: Still training
Nickname: Dami

Wally & Artemis: ( SPITFIRE! )

Irene Athena West
Acts exactly like her mother when she was her age
Blonde hair & green eyes
Hero Name: Arrowette
Nickname: Irie
An archer like her mother

Ysabelle Nicolinne West
Shy & thinks positive but when angry, she has her mother's temper
Strawberry blonde hair and green eyes
Hero Name: Artemis
Nickname: Nicole, Linn, Ysa
An archer

Camilla Dianne West
Calm & collected & always the peacemaker in the family
Red hair & grey eyes
Hero Name: Flash Girl
Nickname: Cami, Mila & Dia
A speedster

Daniel Rudolph West
Cheerful, bubbly, happy-go-lucky & speed talks when excited
Look like a 7 year old version of Wally
Hero Name: still training
Nickname: Dani, Kid Mouth
A speedster

M'gann & Conner: ( SUPERMARTIAN! )

Michaella Rayne Kent
Loves to bake, sweet & cheerful
Black hair & chocolate brown eyes
Hero Name: Supergirl
Nickname: Micha & Ella
Powers: All of Suberboy's powers & M'gann's mind reading

Ryan Christopher Kent
Likes to watch static & sweet
Red hair & bright blue eyes
Hero Name: Mr. Martian
Nickname: Chris, Ry & Topher
Powers: All of M'gann's powers except he can't change his appearance & Conner's X-Ray vision

Kaldur & Aqua (O.C.):

Sadie Lee 'Ahm
Loves to swim, humble and has leader-like habits like taking charge in a crisis
Blonde hair with natural dark blue streaks & grey eyes
Hero Name: Aquagirl
Nickname: Sade
Has Kaldur's powers

Aqua 'Mari
Has natural dark blue hair & grey eyes
Sweet & strict when she needs to be
An Antlantean

So that's it guys!
Although Dick taught all his children his made-up words, but only the twins use them since Zach is too mature & Jay & Dami are too young. Hope you like the quote above!

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