Chapter 3- Introduction Part 1

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Hey, Rose here! To make up for not updating last night, I am going to make one more chapter or two! The pic above was just too cute to not to put here. And in a few chapters, I'm thinking of putting some of Roy(clone) & Cheshire's kids so keep reading!

Irene's P.O.V

I looked up and saw familiar steel grey eyes. "Mom?"

Then I looked around & paled when I saw a teenage Uncle Dick, I raised my hands in surrender, "Woah, Woah, Woah! We're not here to attack you, we got here by accident! Please! We are not a danger, I promise!" I said, putting on my desperate face.

They had dropped their stances, hearing the honesty & sincerity in my voice. The others had started coming to. "Whoareyou?Wheredidyoucomefrom?WhydoyoulookalikeArtemisminustheeyes?" My teenage dad said in speedster. Daniel, unfortunately, answered back in speedster, the idiot, "I'mDaniandwe'refromthefutureandshelookslikeherMom."
Dad's face went slack & I facepalmed.

"THEY'RE FROM THE FUTURE!" He shouted. "We are, our resident magician had gotten tricked to do the spell." Sadie said, calmly, her hands clasped infron of her like her Dad was doing right now.

"You have a magician in your group?" Teenage Aunt Zatanna asked. We all nodded and parted revealing Zach who was blushing. Jaws dropped when they saw that Zach looked like Uncle Dick with just a different shade of eyes.

"Dick, you have a clone!" Dad said. "You're really from the future?" Batman said, suspiciously. "Let J'onn look into our memories if you really doubt us." Sadie said, stepping forward.
Batman nodded to Martian Manhunter and then he put his fingers on Sadie's temple. After a few minutes, he stepped back, smiled at us and then nodded to Batman. "Introduce yourselves." Batman said. "You should probably sit down." Camilla said.

The Team took the couch while Wonder Woman and Black Canary took the two armchairs while the rest of the League remained standing. "Your choice." Camilla said, looking at those who remained standing. "Group into your families, the ones who has the least kid who are here can go first." Ryan said, chuckling at Sadie who looked nervous. Sadie stepped forward, the League and Team looking at her expectantly.

"My name is....Sadie Lee 'Ahm,"  Uncle Kaldur's jaw dropped like all the others from the past. "I'm your oldest child, 17 years old and I have a younger sister and brother back at our time." "What are their names?" Uncle Kaldur said "Well, there's Sapphire Alessandra who's 12 and Kalvin Mark who's only 4." Sadie said, smiling, she really liked chatting about her siblings. Unlike me.

Uncle Kaldur smiled at Kalvin's name. Aquaman looked at Kaldur proud, happy that he had a family of his own.

Michaella's P.OV

I stepped up. "Hey look, Conner, it's a girl version of you except for the eyes." Uncle Wally said. I smiled sweetly.

"Hi! I'm Michaella Rayne Kent, 14 and I'm half Martian and half-Kryptonian." I said, while Mom and Dad smiled at each other and Grandpa Clark was shocked.

Ryan stepped up and grinned brightly.

"Hey, now it's a boy version of M'gann!" "Shut up, Baywatch!"

"I'm Ryan Christopher Kent. I'm 12 years old." He said, cheerfully.
Now, Grandpa Clark looked like he was about to get a stroke.

"Now to continue, I'm...."

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