Chapter 4- Introduction Part 2

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Hey, Rose is in the building! This is now the 4th chapter! Woohoo! Well I know you don't like to read this boring stuff so, To the story we go! Oh and in here, Zatara never put on the Helmet of Fate.

Camilla's P.O.V

"Now to continue, I'm Irene Athena West, oldest daughter of Wally and Artemis West." Irie said bluntly. I chuckled at Mom and Dad's faces. The rest of the team and the League except for Batman though burst out laughing at their faces while we just snickered or chuckled. "I'm 16, an archer and have been said that I am exactly like my mother." She finished and stepped back and pushed Nicole to the front.

"Hey, I am Ysabelle Nicolinne West, call me Nicole or Linne though, I'm 15 and also an archer." She said then steppes back.

I calmly walked to the front. "My name is Camilla Dianne West," Wonder Woman smiled at me. "I'm 14 years old, I am also a speedster." I finished. Dad beamed at me.

Dani shyly stepped to the front and the all the girls went 'Awwww'
" I'm Daniel Rudolph West but everyone calls me Dani. I'm 7 and I'm not a hero yet because I'm still training." He said in a adorable voice.

"Wow, Wall-man. 4 kids, good job, Arty." Uncle Dick said, getting two pillows to the face.

"Now presenting the Grayson Family!" Irie said, smirking.
Uncle Dick fell of the couch and climbed back up. "Wha- What!" He spluttered.

"Oh Damian, our little bird's all grown up!" "Get off me Todd! Congrats though Dick!"

Sadie's P.O.V

Zach shakily walked to the front.

"Oh look, it's Dick clone." Wally said, with Artemis smacking his head.

"I'm Zachary Giovanni Grayson," he said, smiling nervously. "Wait, Giovanni?" Zatanna asked with Zatara raising his eyebrow. "I was named after my other grandfather." Zach said, a small smile on his face. Zatanna and Dick looked at each other and smiled, a faint blush on their cheeks. "Anyway, I'm 17 and the only one who inherited Mom's powers." He said.

"You're the only one with my powers?" Zatanna asked. Zach nodded. " I was the one who cast the time travel spell." Zatanna frowned at that. "We'll talk about this later." She said, making Zach gulp.

The twins then stepped up with wild grins on their faces.
"Hey, I am the asterous Liliana Mary Grayson,"
"And I am her twin, the whelming, heavy on the over Jake John Grayson,"
"We are 16,"
"And the coolest of the Graysons,"
"We are also hardcore pranksters."
"THANK YOU!" They both finished.

"You are Dick's kids." Jason said, smiling.

"Call me Lana though since Liliana is too long." Lana said.

Jason stepped up with his bright happy-go-lucky smile.
"Hi! I'm Jason Bruce Grayson," Jason and Bruce were shocked stiff then they smiled at Dick who was blushing with everyone else smiling at him. "I'm 11 and the most cheerful of the Graysons and Uncle Jason is my favorite uncle!" He said. Jason beamed at him.

I slightly pushed Dami to the front. They gasped when they saw him, he was a carbon copy of Uncle Dick. "I'm D-Damian Timothy Grayson, I'm 7 and for me Uncle Damian and Uncle Tim are my favorite uncles." He said, giving his award-winning smile. Damian and Tim smiled at him and he smiled back.

"This is going to be confusing, I mean there's two Jasons and two Damians." Uncle Conner said. "People call them Jay and Dami." I said. Uncle Conner nodded.

"Can I ask, what are your hero names?" Uncle Dick asked.

"I'm called Aquagirl." I said, smiling at my Dad who smiled back.

"I'm Mr. Martian and Micha's called Supergirl." Ryan said. "Why?" Aunt M'gann asked. "Because I inherited all your powers but only Dad's X-ray vison." "Yeah and I inherited all Dad's powers but only your mind reading." Micha added.

"I'm called Arrowette, I already passed the Artemis legacy." Irene said. "I'm called Artemis, obviously." Nicole said. "I'm called Flash Girl since Kid Flash is reserved for Dani." Camilla added.

"What about you, Zachary?" Aunt Zatanna asked. "Call me Zach and my hero name is Zatara after Grandpa." He said, Zatara was smiling at him.

"I'm called Chaos,"
"And I'm Mischief,"
"We're called the Terror Twins" the twins said. The team snickered while the Bat Family shook their heads in amusement.
"I'm Robin right now because Dami is still training along with Dani." Jay said.

"It looks like you'll be staying for a long while. Why don't all of you stay at Wayne Manor or you may stay here." Batman said.

In the end, only the Graysons were staying at Wayne Manor.
We were going to be in so much trouble when we get home but what can we do?

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