11. Sketching a flower boy

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"Kookie!" Taehyung yelled through the apartment as he walked in the front door, "I brought food, where are you?"

He set the bag of food that he bought in the store at the market that sold all of the organic foods. His bag was full of dehydrated fruit which he earlier found out that Jungkook loved.

The two had known each other a week now and we're practically inseparable. They still slept in their own apartments except for the one night when Jungkook had lost it. But Taehyung was at the youngers house every day.

Jungkook ran out of his bedroom with wet hands and a stained flannel shirt. Taehyung assumed he had just finished painting. Jungkook threw his arms around the taller boys neck and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Taehyungie~"

He released the hold on Taehyung's neck and dove into the pile of snacks, taking out a bag of dehydrated pineapple. Taehyung observed the Raven haired boy as he struggled to rip open the plastic, eventually getting it open. Jungkook popped a piece of yellow fruit into his mouth and walked to the trash can to throw away the scrap left over when he opened the bag.

"Been painting?" Taehyung asked as he leaned against the counter with a smirk. Jungkook nodded agressively, unable to answer verbally as his mouth was full of pineapple. He then motioned for Taehyung to follow him, so he did.

Taehyung was led to the corner of the large room that held Jungkook's desk, and sitting on an easel was a canvas painting. It was an acrylic painting of what looked like drops of water in different pastel colors; blue, pink, and purple. Then there was a silhouette of a person. It was another amazing piece. Taehyung thought it was incredible that someone could bust out all this art so quickly. But Jungkook did it. And every single bit of it was perfect, even if the artist didn't think so himself.

But little did Taehyung know, Jungkook had used Taehyung posture and figure as the template for that little silhouette.

"It's amazing," Taehyung awed. The compliment made Jungkook grin. Then he took his notebook from his back pocket. Yes. He really did take it everywhere. Just in case. He began scribbling intricate words onto the page when Jungkook walked away and plopped himself down on the couch.

"Hyung, let's watch a movie!" The younger suggested to taehyung who was still focused on the painting he had shown him.

"Okay just a minute."

Jungkook kept his eyes locked on the other. He was so handsome. And his body was absolutely perfect. Just looking at him inspired him to put pencil to paper, or brush to canvas. It was getting to a point where he wasn't really sure what their relationship was. He pondered it every day, hoping for an answer but never getting one. He knew that Taehyung liked him, but he couldn't return the same feelings. However there was a sense of needing and missing on Jungkook's side that most would associate with love, but it still wasn't the same. Jungkook needed Taehyung just as an author needed books to read. He was his inspiration and his motivation. When Taehyung was gone, Jungkook became anxious and worried and was unable to focus for too long. What he had painted earlier was conjured up by the thought that Taehyung was buying his snacks, standing in line in the crowded store, just for him. He needed to be close to him. Yes, it's true that they cuddle. But, this was still not love in the sense that he wanted to be involved with the older. It was love in the sense that he was lost and empty without him.

However, Taehyung could proudly admit that he was completely in love with the other. He was in love with the way he talked, the way he thought, the way he painted, everything. Whenever he saw him, his heart fluttered and when he wasn't there, he missed him dearly. How could feelings like this develop in just a week?

Soon, Taehyung finished writing and sat on the couch next to Jungkook who sat anxiously, waiting to wrap himself around Taehyung's warm body like a sloth.

Taehyung was laying on his back, head against a soft throw pillow. Jungkook's body was in between the brunette's legs with his head against his chest. Jungkook has already pulled up Paper Towns on Netflix and was chewing on a piece of pineapple.

"Can I have a bite?" Taehyung asked from underneath him. Jungkook took the request and reached into the bag for a new piece and held it out to Taehyung who just opened his square shaped mouth. Jungkook giggled and placed the fruit into the warm cavern. Taehyung smiled and winked. Jungkook could feel his mind flooding over the edge with that image.

Imagine what he could paint with just the thought of that.


About 45 minuets into the movie, Jungkook grew bored. He looked up at Taehyung whose eyes were fixed on the tv screen. Jungkook reached over to the vase on the coffee table, plucking a flower from its stem. He then extended his arm to Taehyung and tucked the blossom behind his ear. Jungkook's heart jumped at the sight and he bolted up, running for his sketchbook that sat neatly on his desk. He also took a pencil and an eraser and sat back down on the couch, now across from his hyung. He stared at him intently, taking in every feature before placing the charcoal tip on the paper.

"What're you doing?" Taehyung said with a chuckle. Jungkook ignored the question and continued scrawling organic shapes on the paper.

He drew and redrew the boy across from him, mostly trying to get his smile and jawline just right. There wasn't a harder person to draw on the planet. Everyone he had ever drawn was easier to draw than Taehyung. His features were so prominent and unique, it was difficult to get them perfect.

By the time the movie ended, Jungkook was finished, and pleased with what he had drawn. He crawled back into Taehyung's lap while taking another bite of dried pineapple into his mouth. He held the sketch up to Taehyung for him to see.

"Wow," he whispered, setting his chin comfortably in the crook of Jungkook's neck, "That's amazing."

He always loved to show Taehyung his art. Something positive always leaked from his pink lips, followed by words of encouragement. Jungkook thought much better of this sketch than the last one he did a few days earlier. He was always so worried about getting something so perfect. The last sketch was just god awful. The nose was too small and didn't fit well on the face, the shading was all over the place. The lips weren't the right shape, he couldn't get the hair to fall the right way, and Taehyung's slightly opened mouth as he slept was lopsided and awkward. Of course Jungkook would break down after having someone see that piece of garbage. But this one, this one was perfect. He knew that because the syllables danced off Taehyung's tongue and traveled straight to his eardrums. Jungkook's cheeks were dusted with pink after hearing the praise. But he soon flinched when he felt a pair of lips on his jawline, right below his ear.
They were warm and soft and... Almost nice. But Jungkook felt uncomfortable from the too-intimate touching. With the boys, there was a very fine line of where that was, but the older had just crossed it.

Jungkook tensed his shoulders and leaned forward, fleeing from Taehyung's kiss.

"Hyung," he sighed. He placed the book down and turned in the brunette's lap so that he was facing him. Taehyung frowned, for Jungkook had never been so formal.

"I'm sorry, hyung," he started, not able to keep eye contact with the other, "I just-"

"No, no... I'm sorry," Taehyung interrupted, "I should just let it go."

"It's okay," Jungkook said, leaning his forehead on his hyungs shoulder.

"I just can't see you that way," the smaller continued, "you're my best friend, and my muse. Nothing more. Nothing less."

Taehyung nodded. He should've known it wouldn't do anything. Jungkooks feelings for him still haven't changed.

The two stayed in this position for what felt like hours in silence. Jungkook knew how Taehyung felt and he was almost guilty that he didn't return the feelings, not wanting to hurt him. But he excepted their situation and breathed in Taehyung's smell, slowly letting himself drift into a sweet slumber, that was until his phone rang.
The number from the art gallery.


Oh Taehyungie, you silly.


My mission for you guys today is to say "oh man holy shit."

Okay bye

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