15. Messages [2]

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The next day



Kookie stop being so cute

Eh I'm not that cute

Shut up yes you are

I'm not tho

You are tho


Okay. Anyways,
what'd u do today?

Well yesterday Jimin
and I went to the beach😁😁

Sounds fun

It was! We played in
the water a lot!

I've never been to a beach.


It's true

I'm taking you to
a beach one day.


I also brought my
paints and a canvas
and I painted the sunset!
It was so pretty!

Ooooo can I see a pic???

*photo sent*

That's beautiful kookie!


The colors are amazing!
Did it rlly look like that?

Yup! It was sooooooo

Ugh I wish I was there

Me too. It would be so fun if u were here.

Yeah. I rlly miss u. It's so lonely.

Don't u have other

I mean I guess.

Then go out and do

But u told me not
to do something stupid.

What does that have
to do with anything?

Nothing. Never mind.

Ok... But I miss u too. Js

Kookie stop ur making
me blush

It's true tho

Lol ok sure

Hey but because I
get to talk to you
some still, I've been
painting and drawing
lots! It's all because of you!

Awe that makes
me really happy kookie

Hee hee
I'm glad it does.
Aaaanyways... why'd u
hang up so fast yesterday?

I told you, something
came up.

Yeah but what

Just stuff.

What kind of stuff

Important stuff


I was working!

U don't have a job.
Stop lying Tae.

Fine I was at the
market buying more
pineapple for when u
get home

I don't come home
for 3 more weeks Tae.

U can never be too prepared

I can tell when you're lying.

But I'm not lying

Taehyung pls

Kookie pls

Is it Jimin?


Then tell me!

It's nothing!

Fuck Tae just tell me
the truth wtf.

I'm telling you the truth!

Taehyung I know you're not!

Hey, just get off my ass ok!?


Yeah fine


You know, just yesterday,
you would tell me
anything that was
going on and now
you're just????

Okay, Jungkook I'm sorry

No, don't be sorry.

Don't tell me.

Just keep secrets from me.

It's fine.

Kookie i didnt mean to
go off like that.
*read at 2:22pm*

*read at 2:22pm*

*read at 2:23pm*



This chapter is short and eh but okay

Sorry about slow updates, school sucks.

Well I have nothing else to say.

Ok bye

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